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2013 Southern California REGIONALS. June 29th.

Gonna have to skip this one then. :roll:

Your going to skip this years Regionals (which you won last year) just because it starts at 10am instead of 9am? :shock: Put your big boy pants back on and come out with the rest of us.

We got the san diego crew driving 2.5 hrs and some Tehachapi fools bout the same and thats not to mention if any BYB try to come. We are going to be IN THE HEAT regardless of the start time. Hope you change your mind but if not its cool with me maybe I get 1st instead of 2nd this year? :mrgreen: In a perfect world we would be able to just let everyone have everything they want at anytime but no matter what SOMEONES gotta bitch about it. Im over it.

Oh wait. You didnt call me a faggot. You called me a fag. You called BRYCE a faggot. Phew. I thought we were gonna have words dog. But we good :mrgreen:

I have the longest drive outside of the BYBs but personally....I dont mind the early start. For those of us that commute...We either start early or get home late.

If it went to a vote...Id vote early start since we always start early & if it were being held in SD, would likely be starting early...so why change it? But (I cant believe Im about to agree with Jim :shock: ) like he said...somebody's gonna be bummed regardless. Just how the world works. That being said...I know that Chris had family plans for that afternoon based on the fact that we DO usually start early so I get his frustration too.

In other words...I got nothin. Im just glad Jim didnt call me a faggot.

Not to derail this "discussion", but are there usually 4 or 5 courses in a Regional? or is there a set rule?
Jim and I talked about the start time prior to posting the 10 am start. Since each club is responsible for setting up their own courses, that means we have to leave at 630 just to get there by 9. Which leaves an hour to decide on rock and build courses for the 10am start. I could care less how i personally do at the event, but there are four other drivers, that have ran a ten comp season to qualify for regionals. i dont think its fair to ask them to be up at 5 am or earlier just to get there on time.

I don't get how this is a big deal to everyone, every year regionals has a later start time, and it has never been an issue. Am i in the wrong for asking for a later start time in order to give the San Diego drivers a fighting chance at doing well and earning a nationals invite?

I have the longest drive outside of the BYBs but personally....I dont mind the early start. For those of us that commute...We either start early or get home late.

If it went to a vote...Id vote early start since we always start early & if it were being held in SD, would likely be starting early...so why change it?

Negative on the longest drive. Just checked and Zach has an almost 3 hour drive

You obviously have no idea on how start times in San Diego work. In fact, the further south the location, the later the start time is. We do it as a courtesy to the people who are making the effort to drive down and comp with us.
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Not to derail this "discussion", but are there usually 4 or 5 courses in a Regional? or is there a set rule?

Regionals always has an even number of courses set up by each club. The number of course will end up being some multiple of 3 (3,6,9,...).
Jim and I talked about the start time prior to posting the 10 am start. Since each club is responsible for setting up their own courses, that means we have to leave at 630 just to get there by 9. Which leaves an hour to decide on rock and build courses for the 10am start. I could care less how i personally do at the event, but there are four other drivers, that have ran a ten comp season to qualify for regionals. i dont think its fair to ask them to be up at 5 am or earlier just to get there on time.

I don't get how this is a big deal to everyone, every year regionals has a later start time, and it has never been an issue. Am i in the wrong for asking for a later start time in order to give the San Diego drivers a fighting chance at doing well and earning a nationals invite?

Negative on the longest drive. Just checked and Zach has an almost 3 hour drive

You obviously have no idea on how start times in San Diego work. In fact, the further south the location, the later the start time is. We do it as a courtesy to the people who are making the effort to drive down and comp with us.

Hmmm...Ive never had that courtesy handed to me so excuse my surprise. I think claiming the early wake up as a reason you may or may not drive well is kinda silly myself but thats just me.

Like I said...I dont care either way but IF I had a vote...Id vote for the earlier start time simply so I could get home earlier. Ya see that? IF is the operative word there bruh. But whatevers clever. Like I already posted...theres no way to make everyone happy. You Dago boys like to start late...we like to start early. Is what it is. I'll be there regardless. Ya hurrrrd.

Now stop being so defensive Jabil. I know I make you nervous but no need to start getting all wound up.
I think it's GREAT that all three clubs worked together to come up with a start time..and put together this years regionals... thanks for the effort SDRCRC, WCRCC, and Socal. they even worked together to work it so that any driver can drive (not qualify for nat's but at least drive)...a first that I know of for our region....GOOD TIMES are coming...heat or not....

Home Depot has water misters... 99c store has spray bottles and Vallartas has sun hats... for those worried the heat!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

The drive for me is going to suck...but I'm up for it... bitches.... With this year's start time/location I'm gonna have to DRAG my ass out of bed by 9... damn...that's early.
but no matter what SOMEONES gotta bitch about it. Im over it.

Sucks when its on the otherside.


Oh wait. You didnt call me a faggot. You called me a fag. You called BRYCE a faggot. Phew. I thought we were gonna have words dog. Held in SD, would likely be starting early...so why change it? But (I cant believe Im about to agree with Jim :shock: ) like he said...somebody's gonna be bummed regardless. Just how the world works. That being said...I know that Chris had family plans for that afternoon based on the fact that we DO usually start early so I get his frustration too.

In other words...I got nothin. Im just glad Jim didnt call me a faggot.


Been called worse by better people.

Jim and I talked about the start time prior to posting the 10 am start. Since each club is responsible for setting up their own courses, that means we have to leave at 630 just to get there by 9. Which leaves an hour to decide on rock and build courses for the 10am start. I could care less how i personally do at the event, but there are four other drivers, that have ran a ten comp season to qualify for regionals. i dont think its fair to ask them to be up at 5 am or earlier just to get there on time.

I don't get how this is a big deal to everyone, every year regionals has a later start time, and it has never been an issue. Am i in the wrong for asking for a later start time in order to give the San Diego drivers a fighting chance at doing well and earning a nationals invite?

Negative on the longest drive. Just checked and Zach has an almost 3 hour drive

You obviously have no idea on how start times in San Diego work. In fact, the further south the location, the later the start time is. We do it as a courtesy to the people who are making the effort to drive down and comp with us.

Lets just settle it. Everyone but a selected few have a short drive.
Doubt anyone cares, but I'm out. If this is how its going to be on a thread, looks like a good time when the comp starts.
Your going to skip this years Regionals (which you won last year) just because it starts at 10am instead of 9am? :shock: Put your big boy pants back on and come out with the rest of us.

We got the san diego crew driving 2.5 hrs and some Tehachapi fools bout the same and thats not to mention if any BYB try to come. We are going to be IN THE HEAT regardless of the start time. Hope you change your mind but if not its cool with me maybe I get 1st instead of 2nd this year? :mrgreen: In a perfect world we would be able to just let everyone have everything they want at anytime but no matter what SOMEONES gotta bitch about it. Im over it.

Yes Jim, I am going to skip this years regionals because it doesn't start @ 9:00 a.m. You nailed it as usual. "thumbsup" Seeing you had to open your mouth and spout off, I'll go ahead and explain why I won't be "putting my big boy pants back on and joining the rest of you".

First off, being a single dad of two young kids allows me very limited "personal time" to do the things I like to do. I have to cram in four weekends of personal stuff into two and that includes everything from dating to driving toy trucks. While I understand that this is no one else's problem besides my own, you trying to call me out like a bitch on here without truly understanding what's going on (not the first time either) seriously pisses me off. This has nothing to do with it being to hot to drive because clearly I can, have and will again drive in extreme heat because I like doing this. I simply asked a question as to why we wouldn't try to beat some (not all) of the heat and your response was shitty as usual.

Jim and I talked about the start time prior to posting the 10 am start. Since each club is responsible for setting up their own courses, that means we have to leave at 630 just to get there by 9. Which leaves an hour to decide on rock and build courses for the 10am start. I could care less how i personally do at the event, but there are four other drivers, that have ran a ten comp season to qualify for regionals. i dont think its fair to ask them to be up at 5 am or earlier just to get there on time.

I don't get how this is a big deal to everyone, every year regionals has a later start time, and it has never been an issue. Am i in the wrong for asking for a later start time in order to give the San Diego drivers a fighting chance at doing well and earning a nationals invite?

This leads me to my second point. It's not the usual late start time for the Regionals that is an issue for me (and me only) it's that there will be the majority of the So Cal crawling universe driving at this comp which is going to make for one long ass day on the rocks. If it was the usual 15 guys driving then maybe I could bust out the courses and get out of there but that won't be the case this time so I simply can't make it. No complaining anywhere on my part.

I wish all of the drivers luck and I hope it's a good day out on the rocks. See ya at Nationals in September. "thumbsup"
Is there a reason we can't get this going much earlier instead of starting to drive @ 11:00 a.m? I think the AZ shootout showed us that driving in that kind of heat in the middle of the day sucks balls.:evil:
Some of US have a long drive and we didnt want to have to leave at 5am to get there in time is why they started it at 10.

Cause the locals don't get out of bed till 9:00 am :lmao:

Some have early morning tanning appointments :mrgreen:


How long does it take to paint yerself orange?


Roller or spay on?


This is for all ya'll


and I mean that in the nicest sense of the word. See you in the middle of the day for a good ol fashion show down. Shouldnt be over 100º and no breeze so quit yer bitchin.

And this is for you "thumbsup"

While I understand that this is no one else's problem besides my own, you trying to call me out like a bitch on here without truly understanding what's going on (not the first time either) seriously pisses me off.

You considered THAT calling you out? Lol, I was in no way "calling you out" but if you read it that way so be it. "thumbsup"

This leads me to my second point. It's not the usual late start time for the Regionals that is an issue for me (and me only) it's that there will be the majority of the So Cal crawling universe driving at this comp which is going to make for one long ass day on the rocks. If it was the usual 15 guys driving then maybe I could bust out the courses and get out of there but that won't be the case this time so I simply can't make it. No complaining anywhere on my part.

I wish all of the drivers luck and I hope it's a good day out on the rocks. See ya at Nationals in September. "thumbsup"

This is DEFINITELY my fault and I am an ass for trying to think we could make regionals a bit more exciting this year. I will take full responsibility for the idea of inviting other drivers to join us at this years Regional event. I did not for see it making the day longer for the 15 that earned their spot and therefore some of them not being able to attend. Its funny how an act I felt would be a cool thing backfires and guys who ARENT EVEN IN THE REGIONALS come on and put their 2 cents in as well. I guess I have learned yet another lesson and that is to leave well enough (no matter how shitty) alone and just go with the flow.

And this is for you "thumbsup"

Not THAT is a genuinely funny. Those other guys comments about my "Oh you work out side everyday" tan were not so funny but I appreciate the effort on this one. "thumbsup" I cant help it if I'm beautiful guys. :mrgreen:

For those guys listed below that DID get an invite to the regional event, I apologize if my invitation to local members messed up your schedules as it was not my intent. Nabil and I spoke and felt 10am would be best for all clubs. If you are not on the below list and would like to come to the event it will be starting at 10am like it or not. :roll:

Top 5 drivers from WCRCC:

1. dwray - Dave Wray
2. RockinRich - Rich Boltz
3. Illeagle - Jim Hopper
4. Slowmo - Chad Miller
5. Paystin - Chris Dahl

Top 5 drivers from Socalrcrc:

1. Chris
2. Jerry
3. Dave
4. Aaron
5. Rich

Top 5 drivers from SDRCRC:

1. Nabil Jamili
2. Tom Brown
3. Don Hughes
4. Ryan Hughes
5. Zach Brown
I didn't make any of those lists but really do enjoy playing with toy trucks and hangin with ike minded individuals.
I am glad you decided to allow us mediocre drivers one more comp before Nats."thumbsup"
Fixed it for ya!"thumbsup"....

I'm not going to make this one. Between the spatting online and the crazy high temps in the forecast, I'm kinda glad I'm busy.

Everybody have a good time out there, stay cool.

Ummm whadya fix Jerry? Looks like the same spelling to me?
just a quick suggestion .... have the 15 drivers run all 6 courses first ...before any other drivers
that way the finalist don't have to drive in the afternoon sun or drive on chewed up courses.
looks like it will go quickly ...sorry guys....I don't think I can make it either.