Wouldnt you know the night before I leave my receiver takes its dump again.. I hope one of you who said i could borrow a receiver remembered one 

Just my luck man...

I dont know if anyones asked yet, but is RCCRAWLER going to air any of the competition or do we have to wait for members videos???:roll:
Wouldnt you know the night before I leave my receiver takes its dump again.. I hope one of you who said i could borrow a receiver remembered oneJust my luck man...
Thanks man! I will have someone point you out to me 8)If nobody has one, look me up, I have a spare in my toolbox you can use!! "thumbsup"
I've heard that there will be no coverage. Maybe one of the people that knows for certain can verify?
Wouldnt you know the night before I leave my receiver takes its dump again.. I hope one of you who said i could borrow a receiver remembered oneJust my luck man...
road trip began 4 hours ago live trip thread can be found here
see everyone soon!!
I don't think there will be anything official, but maybe somebody with Ustream and some free time can try to do some coverage.
My parents are letting me skip school and head down to meet up with Mr. Cool, mini, and fish. Hope everyone makes a safe trip down, and I will see everyone in the mornin :mrgreen:
The Awards are loaded and are getting ready to start leaving Indy in 5 min or so... "thumbsup"
all 386 lbs
Bama bound with the awards!"thumbsup"
im heading out in about an hour or 2 i need to make sure my rig still works . . it hasnt been touched in 2 months. . "thumbsup"
see you boys there