RCC Addict
I sure hope I can get a ticket, I will be eyeballing this:mrgreen: Three of us from Michigan hope to get lucky enough to get ticks. This will be a blast.
well that truck did pretty good at big rocks.
and those courses wasnt no walk in the park.
looking forward to seeing your name under mine:mrgreen:
is charlie going?
Nice, all the boys here at CKYC can't wait, it's gonna be a hoot!
Quick question, I know there are primitive camping sites at the comp site. I'm assuming it's legal to camp there, but does it have to be at established sites and/or are there plenty of sites for people to camp there? Basically what I'm asking is, how many sites are there to camp at the comp location?
It seems very random. There are lots of previously used spots with impromptu fire pits. It sort of organized chaos:mrgreen:
Hmmm, so in other words we should check it out Friday evening when we get there, but have a few backup places to camp such as somewhere around Lake Weiss just in case?
I would think there would be plenty of options, but its not UNLIMITED:shock: I have no idea how many people are planning on camping up there, how many friends they are bringing, and how much equipment. Just like anything else earlier is better than later.
On previous vists I have seens camper pretty much every where inside the yellow circle"thumbsup"
JUDGES and DRIVERS if you have received early registration information please register ASAP possible or I will start looking for your replacements:shock:
Now, is this for the ECC alumni or the vendor sponsored drivers? Just clarifying things up. Or is Feb 8 or 9 the alumni or open registration?
Now, is this for the ECC alumni or the vendor sponsored drivers? Just clarifying things up. Or is Feb 8 or 9 the alumni or open registration?
Considering those dots are as big as a house I think we will be ok 8)
Yah no kidding..:shock:..Man those rocks are huge!! Now if april would hurry the f up and get here..8)