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  • RCSC

1k post count = Mario Kart Quad x Yeti Jr build!

Goro Majima

RCC Addict
Subscribed Member
May 4, 2021
As the title states, for my 1000th post on RCC I've decided to dedicate it to this build by taking a Carrera RC Mario Kart Quad and modify it to bolt on to a Yeti Jr chassis. I think the biggest challenge will be battery placement as the Yeti Jr cage housed the battery.

The wheelbase is way off, yet it's a quad so it doesn't matter as much. But the sizing will make Mario and the other quad parts I use be better planted. Can't wait to start tearing the quad down and dry fitting stuff. Here are a few lousy pictures to actually start a thread.

More test fitting of the body. With a motor in place, Mario's foot is able to rest on it. This is more closer looking to final body mounting fitment. With the spacing between the chassis and body, it looks like a 2S 1500mah will fit standing sideways underneath the seat.


Parts on the way:
- Hot Racing rear links
- Axial wheels with paddle tires
- 2x 2S 1500mah Zeee lipos
- 8200kv Castle 0808 motor

Parts on hand:
- Micro X (thank you early builds to have these leftover)
- Radiolink Rx
- Stock Yeti Jr servo

Sorry I don't have more progress. I'm really trying to sort out the desk setup still and keep running into other stuff to do. I would love a whole week off of work.
Well, Ferp, no leaning Mario. But to everyone else it's complete! As I progressed with getting everything to fit, I didn't take any pics but I will still try to show what has been done from start to finish.

We'll start with structural plastics being removed (still intact) below the seat. Initially I wanted the battery to fit here which it does but it doesn't leave room for wiring or balance lead.


Quite a bit is being shown here, but mainly showing the hacked black piece that's screwed to the body. They Yeti Jr cage wasn't hinged in the back but I repurposed the rear setup to act as a hinge.


Here's the stock cage in position to check what I should cut off, since the rear shock mounts are built in. There was no way I could mount the shocks back in that location without sacrificing the body so a lot of it had to go.


I kept a triangulated piece of the bottom of the cage because I knew I needed something to mount to when it came to the body and shocks. The piece did lose some strength though so I added some brackets and trimmed up some sheet metal. A 12T pinion was the lowest I can go, which seems to be optimal after taking it out last weekend at the monthly meet. The third pic was a totally different day, so you could see stuff like the shocks mounted to an L bracket, wire loom and all electronics in place (ESC in rear fairing).


The Micro X is sandwiched and glued into the rear right fairing, which was de-cased to barely fit and a lot of trimming and grinding plastic away. You can also see I utilized the stock power switch location. Would have loved to use the stock switch cover but not enough room.


Front body posts fixed into the body.

Update Part 2

This blank gray area is where the stock servo was, which is now hollowed out and houses a Spektrum 1000mah 2S. I still want to do more massaging and fit the bigger battery in.


Another fitment solution was cutting off the pegs. I trimmed off the ends and glued them back on to cover the hole.


With everything done, the stock wheels took some minor work. The rears bolt on fine since they are actually 7mm (more like 6.5mm, they fit with some umph). The fronts, the toy quad is only 2wd so the wheels weren't hexed. So I bought another Mario Quad just to use the rear wheels from it. And when I test fitted them, the knuckles comes in contact with the inner rim. My solution was cut the inner rim off as the tire can still use the inside mounting disc of the wheel.

Mounted wheel is modified, wheel on desk is unmodified.
Modified wheel.

Finished pics, stock versus Yeti Jr!

RAD! DUDE! I really like the widened look. Will you keep these tires on, like, to prevent it from traction rolling ? They look like the type that will keep it "rubber" side down.
Thanks for the kind words fellas. This was an absolute blast to tinker on and make it all work

RAD! DUDE! I really like the widened look. Will you keep these tires on, like, to prevent it from traction rolling ? They look like the type that will keep it "rubber" side down.

What's great about these toys grade tires is I can spin the hell outta them on pavement since they're such a hard compound. I'll take it over to Amain some day and run it on their drift track to mess about lol. It will still bite on a hard turn and flip though. The wide stance just belongs on this build. The Axial paddle setup is awesome but the tires are so skinny. If only they were wide like these.

I remember I used to have a toy 94+ Mustang GT RC and I put electrical tape on the tires so it could slide. I'm definitely gonna try that on this as well. Definitely enough wheel speed to do some drifts.

Here's a complete pic with the paddle setup. Knowing how the rig handles, these would probably be a huge downgrade when it came to cornering and stability.


Also attaching a short clip of it in some dirt and gravel. I noticed I can add videos but not sure how huge of a file, but this one was sent via Messenger so huge decrease in quality anyway but it's something. Hope the file works. This was about half or 2/3's throttle by the way, and still on a crawler throttle ramp.

View attachment Messenger_creation_1162074855547081.mp4