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Wish us luck!

high plains drifter

I wanna be Dave
Subscribed Member
Nov 22, 2017
Austin Texas
Haven't been posting anything much lately but doesn't really matter since my contributions are generally pretty lackluster anyway. But I figure that this is as good a time as any to start a new thread.

These past three weeks have been exhausting as we made the decision to try to become first time home buyers! It started about three weeks ago... to see what we could get approved for ( although we did this about a year ago with disappointing results). But we stayed vigilant and finally decided this year to try again. Well this time we were armed with more knowledge and we subsequently shopped several lenders and loan programs in able to get the best interest rate. We're also declaring more income now, have much higher credit scores, and are looking at more affordable homes. Well much to our shock... we were approved! Now came the painstaking process of slowly and methodically highlighting our favorites and crossing others off the list.

Then we found what we thought might be the one... located in a beautiful area surrounded by tall gorgeous pines. We put in our offer and only a few days later our offer was accepted. Keep in mind that this is an EXTREME sellers market. Homes ( in our price range) are listed one day and pending the next. So we knew that our diligence was necessary in order to even have a chance to make an offer on one that we genuinely liked. After the initial walk-thru however, we began having reservations due to some major repairs that were going to need to be done. By the time that our inspector gave us the report, we were convinced that we'd have to pull our offer... which we did.

But not to be discouraged, we forged ahead and continued fine tuning our search. That led us up to last week when we went ahead and put in an offer on a home that not only ticked all of our boxes, but then some! This was more anxiety induced as just one day prior to an open house, we finally hammed out our negotiations with the seller. At around 4pm Friday of last week, we heard back from our agent that our final offer had been accepted! My wife and I are feeling very good about this one... the sellers disclosure, the age of the home, recent repairs and upgrades, the amenities, the neighborhood, etc, etc.

So as much as this all is quite a lengthy read, I assure you that I'm leaving out a great deal of details lol. Anyway. Next week is going to be quite pivotal and potentially exciting. We will be meeting with our agent, our lender, our insurance agent, and our inspector in order to hopefully finalize our intentions. Right now we are within a 7-day option period but come Friday of next week if all goes well, that option period will have passed and we will then be heading closer to closing.

I've never lived in a decent home my entire life and so that alone makes this a huge accomplishment. Hell... to have even come this far feels pretty damned good. I really can't remember the last time that I was this enthusiastic about something. We just love this one so much and it has so much that my wife and I have never had... a safe community, a well built home, an actual attached garage ( I call it the vehicle's bedroom but whatever), lovely landscaping, beautiful back yard with endless rock-crawling potential, indoor washer/ dryer, two full bathrooms are you kidding me???, etc, etc, etc. Fingers crossed right now for the insurance quote being affordable and the inspection coming back good or great. If it all falls through, we'll keep looking but I have to say that it's going to be a bit of a disappointment this time around given how fond we are of this home at this point.

Anyway... I just wanted to share and show y'all a few pics of the home that may soon be ours! RCC does after all bear some degree of responsibility in all of this since I believe that my growing RC collection ( brought on by the RCC community) has finally convinced my wife how much we truly need a bigger place! Thanks so much for reading and taking a look. Updates will follow.

But is it close to a good crawling spot? [emoji1]

Good luck, the house looks great.

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Thanks so much! It's only about 5 minutes from where we live now... but in a MUCH better part of town. If we actually get this home, I plan on incorporating a LOT of rock-crawling features into the back yard!
Good luck n congrats on the big investment move! That house is beautiful drifter! Wish yall the best of luck on everything fallin in your favor. Keep us updated brother. Cant wait to hear some good news n see wat u do with the back yard

Sent from my SM-J327VPP using Tapatalk
Good luck!

After a couple of years of ownership and some positive equity, you will find more financial avenues available to you if you need them. It was the equity in our house that enabled us to replace our ancient oil-fired boiler with a new natural gas unit. I could never have done that out of pocket.
There's nothing like owning your own home. If you can swing it at all, do a 15 year mortgage. My wife and I just paid off our house last month. It's been like I'm walking on air ever since.
Good luck! Beautiful home and sending positive vibes your way. Hope it works out!

However I strongly disagree that your contributions are lackluster. Always glad to see a HPD post.
congradulations theres nothing like having your own home its changed our lives greatly

i never figured out all the fus in the home buying prosses i bought my first house sight unseen i used paypal i never met the seller and the whole deal went smooth with out a hitch the second house was my neighbor he gave us a great deal on the house we payed cash signed the papers at the pool at the hotel in las vegas while smokin one lol i just cant wrap my head around loans and realitors or escrow or any of that i much prefer handing over the money and gettin the paper work and keys

my first house dident come with keys though apperently some one stole the front door at some point i time lol not that it mattered the windows were all broken to the previos owners were mad tweekers there were 2 houses on the property but one was so bad i had to tear it down and the trash was overwelming it cost as much to clean the place up as i payed for it but now its worth 5 times as much as i have into it and i am my own neighbor the next closest neigbor is over a mile away and the worlds best rock crawling is just a short walk away
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Congratulations on the new digs! Home ownership can be trying at times but in the end there is nothing like living in your own home. Looks like the backyard already has the start of a nice crawler space.
Congrats! That's a nice looking home "thumbsup"

I'll be watching this thread for motivation as I am currently trying to find a small peaceful place to call home for myself.
Good luck n congrats on the big investment move! That house is beautiful drifter! Wish yall the best of luck on everything fallin in your favor. Keep us updated brother. Cant wait to hear some good news n see wat u do with the back yard

Thank you! For better or worse, I'll definitely update as we go. Tomorrow will be a big day as we should have most or all remaining info necessary to make the final decision to either pull out or fasten our seat-belts and head towards closing.

I appreciate the compliment on the house too. I mean... we realize it's not extravagant but at least to us, it really IS beautiful. The nicest place I've ever lived in was a 600 sq ft condo... but I had to go outside every time I wanted to scratch my ass. Right now we're in an 1100 sq ft home that was built in 1942.... cracking walls, crooked doors, warped floors, outdated wiring, and nothing but a dank dirt-floored shed out back to park my Jeep. I've made it look decent but there's only so much that I'm willing or able to do since I don't own it. We pay almost $1000 a month to live here and it's just not worth it anymore.

Good luck!

After a couple of years of ownership and some positive equity, you will find more financial avenues available to you if you need them. It was the equity in our house that enabled us to replace our ancient oil-fired boiler with a new natural gas unit. I could never have done that out of pocket.

Thanks so much, skinny. Assuming that we get this house, we're already planning to set aside what we can each month in order to make additional payments. We want to reduce the length of our mortgage and offset any negative equity that will exist heading into ownership... USDA loan/ no money down. I studied the real-estate market around this area over the past several years and I've seen a continued steady rise in home values here. These are the variable unknowns that bother me at times... but right now I think we're ready to roll the dice.

There's nothing like owning your own home. If you can swing it at all, do a 15 year mortgage. My wife and I just paid off our house last month. It's been like I'm walking on air ever since.

Greatly appreciate the support! We're unable to do 15 years but we do plan to knock it down from 30 as much as we possibly can. Congratulations on getting your home paid off! I can't hardly imagine what a feeling that is but hopefully some day I will lol.

Good luck! Beautiful home and sending positive vibes your way. Hope it works out!

However I strongly disagree that your contributions are lackluster. Always glad to see a HPD post.

Man... Thank you. I sincerely appreciate the kind words and support. And to be sure... If we get this house, then I'm definitely going to be posting details of my backyard crawl-course build!

Oh... and is it weird for me to fantasize about dropping a deuce in the guest bathroom while my wife showers unaffected in the master bathroom?? Cause... I've thought about that at least a couple times already.

That's fantastic HPD!! Really nice looking place too, congrats to the both of you.

I appreciate that, Randy... Thank you.

congradulations theres nothing like having your own home its changed our lives greatly

i never figured out all the fus in the home buying prosses i bought my first house sight unseen i used paypal i never met the seller and the whole deal went smooth with out a hitch the second house was my neighbor he gave us a great deal on the house we payed cash signed the papers at the pool at the hotel in las vegas while smokin one lol i just cant wrap my head around loans and realitors or escrow or any of that i much prefer handing over the money and gettin the paper work and keys

my first house dident come with keys though apperently some one stole the front door at some point i time lol not that it mattered the windows were all broken to the previos owners were mad tweekers there were 2 houses on the property but one was so bad i had to tear it down and the trash was overwelming it cost as much to clean the place up as i payed for it but now its worth 5 times as much as i have into it and i am my own neighbor the next closest neigbor is over a mile away and the worlds best rock crawling is just a short walk away

Wow... pretty cool story! I only wish that I had a couple hundred grand burning a hole in my pocket but I don't. Dancing for quarters in truck-stop bathrooms never did pay off in the way that I'd anticipated it would. That for sure would've made this SO much easier lol. Seriously... thanks, man.

Congratulations on the new digs! Home ownership can be trying at times but in the end there is nothing like living in your own home. Looks like the backyard already has the start of a nice crawler space.

Thanks a lot! I'm always up for a challenge and nothing about my life has ever come easy so I think I'm ready to do this. My sister is on her third home now so I need to catch up lol.

Funny... All I could think of when I saw the back yard was all of the lines and obstacles... and the potential for more! I simply had to promise my wife that I wouldn't let it get out of hand lol.

"House warming gifts?" "Well sure... Bring us some boulders!"

Very nice house, I can see the pond area as being the start of an off road park!

Thank you, Mike! Yeah... When I laid eyes on that area of the yard, I immediately started getting some ideas! I just need to refrain from running my brushless Slash down the main hallway inside the house no matter how tempting it is!

Congrats! That's a nice looking home "thumbsup"

I'll be watching this thread for motivation as I am currently trying to find a small peaceful place to call home for myself.

Thank you! And for a kid that grew up in an old derelict farmhouse with hog-hair carpet and faded pea-green asbestos siding... I think it's a nice looking home too!

Maybe motivational I dunno, but...

When I moved to Texas from Ohio about 30 years ago, I was driving a severely wrecked hatchback with everything I owned crammed into the back seat and about $1000 cash in my back pocket. I didn't have a job, a place to live, or any idea what the future might hold. Some nights I was homeless and some days I completely regretted my decision to make a better life for myself. But I immediately started working odd jobs and got a few breaks along the way. Eventually I had enough money and a good enough job to be able to get a tiny run-down apartment. I continued working and saving and making some good connections along the way. At times I was overwhelmed with isolation, loneliness, anger, and depression... but I never stopped forging ahead. I began investing some of my money and getting my foot in as many doors as I could. I won't lie... I've endured some pretty tough losses along the way and plenty of setbacks but now... here I sit with a loving hard-working wife by my side, many genuine friendships, two vehicles paid off, a decent savings, and the opportunity to possibly acquire a decent home in the near future. And so if that's not motivation enough for anyone, then I don't know what is. Life's certainly never perfect but as long as you keep going, keep working, keep learning, and keep believing in your abilities... great things can happen. Good luck to you and no matter what you strive for... don't stop appreciating the seemingly insignificant things along the way. We never know where we'll end up so at least try to enjoy the ride as much as you can. I truly hope the best for you and thanks so much for your support. It means a great deal.
Guud Luck..... Hope everything works out for y'all...

On another note,PARTAY ! Everyone is invited!
Btw... That house, in it's current state, screams "Meme & Pepe's house." :lmao:

Well what we're living in now screams "Buy your moonshine and illegal fireworks here!!!". Yep... It definitely has a grandma/ grandpa exterior vibe but that doesn't bother us in the least. Inside... by the time it's full of RC vehicles and guitars and more modern furnishings, it'll feel more like 'us'... although I could pass for a grandad without trying too hard lol.

Guud Luck..... Hope everything works out for y'all...

On another note,PARTAY ! Everyone is invited!

Thanks so much, Frank... much appreciated. Moving from 1100 to 1800 sq ft will actually make the thought of a party, a possibility! Too bad we aren't really "party people" lol. I will say that I've already considered going house to house to see if there are any other RC guys in the subdivision but I probably won't actually do that. My wife rolls her eyes enough as it is!

Today was a good day and one that we've been anticipating. The inspection went VERY well. As with almost any home, there were a few notes here and there but we're talking very minor things... nothing to indicate any costly nor immediate attention... I love doing minor home projects anyway so no concerns with any of that. Plumbing, electrical, structural, etc... all look good. This was a very meticulous inspection and we are absolutely confident in the professionalism and expertise of our inspector who we've used before.

Got some paperwork prepared for the title company today and negotiated some minor things with the seller thru our agent. Still have yet to hear back from our insurance agent with our quote but I'll follow up on that tomorrow. Another tiring day but my wife and I are continuing to work together efficiently as a team and we're continuing to move fwd. Thanks again to all who have offered their support.