I wanna be Dave
And don't say we have 1.9's for a drivers class; there's a reason why there's so many for sale...
And don't say we have 1.9's for a drivers class; there's a reason why there's so many for sale...
That was kinda the idea, but I did also post I was just talking(twice) about it with someone, and trying to figure out a way if it could be included into the winter series. This by no means is a definate of any type it was more a suggestion. But think about it this way what series in the world lets you race, drive, ride, whatever in a pro class and the sportsman class (amateur)?It seemed like you were saying that you would be restricted to only the sportsman, even if you had a 1.9 or anything, you could only run the sportsman. I think that's why Dan responded that way.
Even though the class is a kind of gateway class, it can be a lot of fun for pros to drive a stripped rig, and get back into the "good ol days" before there was dig, when tlts were the standard fare.
No not eliminate them, you need to try this whole reading thing out, next time the whole thing, I was talking due to time constraints, and calling this what it has been mentioned as by Jason and other members of the rules committee a "gate way class".So just eliminate people with more than one truck? Shouldn't we be looking at this like a spec class so it's a driver's class and a gateway class? And don't say we have 1.9's for a drivers class; there's a reason why there's so many for sale...
And don't say we have 1.9's for a drivers class; there's a reason why there's so many for sale...
Why would you want to run the other classes, was what I was saying, especially since you can't afford dig. How can you afford other crawlers. After all this class was introduced as a gate way class. Now chill out and go back to never answering your phone.
But think about it this way what series in the world lets you race, drive, ride, whatever in a pro class and the sportsman class (amateur)?
I have come from a bike back ground and you are either amateur or pro, not both.
Hey credit card slingin newb, watch it!WOW!!!:shock: Someones pants are on a little tight:|
Hey credit card slingin newb, watch it!
But think about it this way what series in the world lets you race, drive, ride, whatever in a pro class and the sportsman class (amateur)?
I have come from a bike back ground and you are either amateur or pro, not both.
I understand the point you were trying to get across now. No need to get jumpy, it's just the internet and there's gonna be misunderstandings.
No not eliminate them, you need to try this whole reading thing out, next time the whole thing, I was talking due to time constraints, and calling this what it has been mentioned as by Jason and other members of the rules committee a "gate way class".
If it a gate way class so be it if its a 2006 class that is a different story, to me however sportsman says something of the level of drivers not the rigs.
Or butt out and learn who someone of these people really are. Its a accurate statement.
Im just getting sick of these money grubbing stores trying to take over.
Or butt out and learn who someone of these people really are. Its a accurate statement.
Im just getting sick of these money grubbing stores trying to take over.
All I am doing is trying to throw out ideas to see how this can be worked into the day at a winter series comp. I highly doubt there is enough time to run 4 classes, its hard enough with the way things are.....
Its seems someone has had a bad day/week:-(
All I am doing is trying to throw out ideas to see how this can be worked into the day at a winter series comp. I highly doubt there is enough time to run 4 classes, its hard enough with the way things are.
My mind set is they either over lap or it does not happen and it runs as its own separate entity.
Unless someone has some good constructive ideas...
Not a bad day at all this thread is getting on my nerves and some of the people posting in it.
I feel some of the ideas are a little self centered and narrow minded.
I am very open to this thread and look forward to the class, Im just looking for ideas here, not fighting or people being idiots (my posts along with others).
I do however believe that once in this class you should stay in it all season.
Can't go from beginner to pro in a season right?
I 100% agree it should be driver based"thumbsup" and you can't run both!
As far as an idea to fit it into the same day at a comp I thought you might be able to have 2 courses set up in the same area with different color gates. A sportsman course and pro course, then when you walk up the judge can look at sheet and see if signed up for pro or sport and then show you your course. You then still have the same amount of judges needed and all people are still in same area to watch/help spotsmans guys. Just and idea8)
Not to come to Ty's defense, but I think his pants are a little tight.Love ya buddy"thumbsup" Ty along with quite a few others come from when this was just a bunch of friends getting together, talking shit and competing against each other. There was no other series, hobby stores getting involved or even sponsored drivers. It was basic and fun, I see his point of money getting involved and changing things. We all new it was going to happen. Enough about the bitchy money hungry businesses.
As far as the Sportsman class goes, I see it like this. It is a gateway class for Newb drivers to get into the hobby. I personally do not see enough newb's showing up for this class on a consistant basis for it to last. If it is opened up to all other drivers, it will survive and the newbs will then have pro's running with them and learning. I know I learned so much from Bender and Griz "Thanks"thumbsup"" that it has made me the driver I am now. Not that I am that good, but they really showed me the ropes and how to manage my rig. But, allowing the pros to run in the sportsman, we will have 2 huge 2.2 classes at the comps, along with the other two classes.
This is where I see Ty's concerns. It is not unusual for us to get 50 2.2 drivers at a comp. What happens if everyone runs both? or 50 pro 2.2 and 20 Sportsman. That is 70 2.2 drivers, not to mention 10-20 1.9's, 10-15 Supers, Now you are looking at a 13hr day just in drive time on courses and that is if the next driver is ready the moment the last one gets done. No taking lunch, basically running like robots. These totals are based off of three 5 min courses for each class, no finals either. I know all the regular pro drivers have a rig ready at home, or the parts to build one to compete in this class. I know I have one at home that is ready to roll:mrgreen:I see it as a catch 22, damed if you do, damned if you don't.
Me personally, like I said before. The only rules I want to see in this is, only 2 channels being used, no dig and no MOA. Everything else is fair game as long as it fits in the normal 2.2 rules. I don't see any of the other upgrades helping a driver, other than strengthening the rig so it does not break.
We can bitch all day long about this. It comes down to this:
1. Newb only class-- Without pro drivers in it, are they learning anything,
will it survive???
2. Is there enough time in the day for it?
I am all for the class as it would be more drive time with my crawler, but the above 2 questions have to be answered!!
So if we had 70 drivers show up for the current 2.2 class, then what? it will still take the same amount of time. If you want to, how about limiting the total number of 2.2 drivers, (as has been done in the past) basically, the first 50 that show up, regardless of what class they run, get to drive. It will only take longer than the current system if we let people drive in BOTH 2.2 and sportsman. .
I think a person can run pro in one series and sportsman in a different series. They are different series, and as far as I know, in other forms of competitive sports, you can run in pro class and amatuer class as long as the series' are unrelated.
So someone can run 2.2 Pro in the Crawlerado Winter series, but also run 2.2 Sportsman in the FinishLineRC Winter Series. What is the harm in that?