Will I be allowed to run in this class? I realize the intent for getting more people into crawling but driving for 15 to 20 minutes all day just doesn't cut it for me and I don't really have the funds to build a 1.9 and super right now, yet I have a no dig shafty sitting on the shelf ready to go.
x2 on what Casey said. I know this will allow newer drivers to compete at a lower cost, but unless you say the so called "pro" drivers can't compete in this class, they will dominate it. Everyone of us has an old axial sitting on a shelf at home, I have enough parts for two of them:shock: Now you will have two full 2.2 classes. Not sure if you will have enough time. Without letting the "pro" drivers in this class, I am not sure if there would be enough to make it worth while. I know you give Casey, Timmah or Rubba a stock Axial and they will dominate that class, especially if the courses are easier from the comp lines. I agree with Casey as if there is a class I can run in, I will, better crawling than standing around waiting for the class to finish.
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of it, but it really is going to depend on what kind of newb signs up for it. As far as the rules Go.
Battery: Don't like the limit, but 8.4 would be acceptable. I think 3c lipo would be a good limit. You can get a decent 3c lipo from Japan for $11.
Motor: 35t and up or 540 can limit. Especially if there is a voltage limit on batteries. LIke Chris said earlier, your just asking for someone to put a 35t inards in a 55t can.
ESC: Whatever you want to run
Servo: No limit. I have fried so many smaller servos starting out, I should have bought an 8711 from the beginning, I spent enough on cheapos that I could have.
Rims: I can see just a plastic or plastic B/L limit. But would this just apply to just axial/proline. What about custom delrin ones(loophole)

just mentioning.
radio: Agree on only two channels being used for the comp.
Shocks: To many different kinds on stock RTR's these days to limit that. The losi comes with comp shocks stock.
Tires: 6" max and you should be able to cut and shut if you like.
Hopups: Alum Knuckles, axle c's and straight axles--- I say those should be allowed. Ask yourself, how many plastic Axial knuckles did you break before you bought the alum. I think that should be one of the first upgrades you do to a shafty.
MOA: If you are not going to allow a Berg, the Cliff Climber should not be included either. You can buy a stock Berg kit just like the CC. SHAFTIES ONLY.