I said
most mods, not all. Tires are an expected expense, hard to work around those, but they usually come in pairs and a pair is usually less than $30.
Reasonably powerfull servos can be had for less than $30. I don't care for them though...blown the three TP's that I've bought. I would think that they could not be included in the spending limit along with esc's and motors.
Tire height restrictions was just an idea. I've dug my old Badlands (5.04") out of the box to try them out again.
And what about the guy who buys some killer rig from a pro for a cheap price? He can't play in the sportsman class?
No. That would give his machine an advantage over the others. IMO a Sportsman class is there to encourage noobs to get into the hobby and also to learn about driving/tuning/building thier own rig vs learning how to use paypal or credit card.
Don't get me wrong, not trying to shoot down you ideas, it's just tough to be the guy that has to do tech. I've done tech inspections for a fairly big series until I was asked to quit due to strict interpretation of the rulebook (I called one of the most popular guys for blatant cheating of a key rule). I've also done my share of putting stress fractures in rules of nearly everything I've competed in....
Feel free to critisize anything I post up here. If I were the type to get all butthurt, I'd keep my ideas to myself. "thumbsup"
Good for you for sticking by your regulation supported guns....poo-poo on them for not playing fair.
The single biggest thing when a newbie shows up to a comp where experience guys are is the intimidation factor of seeing dig in action. It's demoralizing to know that to be competitive you have to buy a new radio that has 3 channels, a dig, and a servo. Not cheap no matter how it's done.
Oh I know that all too well. My first comp with you guys was dig-less and I only managed to come in next to last because somebody had a nonrepairable breakage.
So keep the rules simple. No dig, shafty only. Otherwise the same as the regular 2.2 rules.
I want to see a sportsman class. End of rant......
No MOAs, clod stall can be used like dig on a vert.
Just make it NO DIG ,SHAFTY ONLY . Same rules as 2.2 class. You got to leave room for guys to improve their rigs. Thats half the fun.
Alright, so shafties only.
I'd still like to see a price limit on some parts. Like I said, this class should be focused more on building and driving rather than opening your wallet. When a noob gets his ass handed to him by a rig that isn't modded too far from stock, he'll work on his driving and setup more than running out to buy new parts that he thinks he needs. Save that game for the pro class.
And again, like I said, nearly all of the essential Axial hard parts can be had for less than $30. It may be different for other brands, I don't know...
I've already gotten my rig built for the most part (it made a self propelled lap around the garage this afternoon...woot!). Stock chassis plates, radio, axles, wheels, and for now the RTR servo. Aftermarket parts are a Sidewinder, Revolver motor, some shocks I had rolling around in my parts drawer, and Badlands tires. All the links and link plates I made out of aluminum (cheap), and the skid is made out of a cutting board (cheap). The only things on my shopping list are aluminum C's/knuckles, and a cheapy brushed motor which I'll probably end up building myself anyway.