It started to become apparent that I needed new Upper Link Mounts for my clod. The abuse of BFTs and lathe motors running on two batteries was starting to really wear them out.
No matter how much I tightened these down, they always would wobble back and forth.
To solve this, I had TheCrawlerStore.com send me a pair of G-Made Upper link mounts. |
A few days later my mounts arrived. Here is what the G-Made Upper Link Mounts look like.
They are very innovative; instead of screwing into the back of your case, or trying to stay locked by one small aluminum piece down at the center; one bolt goes in through the bottom to stop it from moving up and down/forward and back. Then the bolt from the side ties into the case (In an already existing hole I might add) to stop any rotation. |
Once you have removed your old mounts, the first step is to take the 4mm bolt and aluminum sleeve and slide them up the bottom of your case. Then screw that into the threaded hole in the bottom of the link mount.
Next you will need to remove the top forward-most (Or back-most, depending on which side you are doing) and replace it with the longer 3mm bolt supplied. |
Line up the link mount with the hole, and bolt it down with the hardware supplied. With both these bolts tightened down firmly, there is absolutely NO play! Even when I first got my aluminum upper link mounts, they had enough that I was disappointed. Knowing of no alternative, I accepted it. But with the G-Made link mounts; there is no such thing! |
At first; when I heard of the mounts being made from nylon, I was a bit worried. I've snapped a solid .250” link in half before, so I need beef in my suspension! But this sucker measures out at a huge .500” wide! And with a 4mm bolt and a 3mm bolt on the G-Made unit, instead of just a single, small pot-metal 3mm bolt, I don't think I have to worry! |
These mounts look great too, I thought they'd look rather bulky on a relatively small clod case, but they blend in really nicely. I highly suggest getting a pair of these upper link mounts for your clod.
They are available now at TheCrawlerStore.com for 30$ per pair.
Article written by SR5Dave |