I wanna be Dave
The other thread was getting cluttered with various topics, so I figured there should be a few threads for the specific topics in that thread so that the information is easier to find.
This first post will hopefully help document the issues users are having with the stock electronics, the second post below will be some of the information quoted from the other thread for those that have replaced the electronics to show what aftermarket options are known to work.
Please feel free to post in this thread if you have had problems with the stock electronics, and what you have done to fix them or what you replaced them with.
There is a different thread for servos, so please keep this thread as OEM electronics issues and ESC/RX replacements.
Stock Electronics:
The stock electronics are known to be likely to fail very quickly in these little rigs. Axial provides a warranty, and you can contact them for a replacement if you want to receive the same Tactic 2-in-1 ESC/RX combo.
Often these fail when switching to 2S lipo. It is not clear if those users switched the setting in the ESC, but the slight increase in voltage should not have been the problem if they didn't.
If you are looking to swap to something better, see post 2 for some examples of what other users have swapped to.
Here are some examples of problems users have had with the stock ESC/RX:
It seems most ESCs fail with 2S lipo, but some are failing with the stock battery. Also some users report the ESC failed after they upgraded their servo.
If you want to upgrade to something better, check out post 2 for some examples that are known to work in these rigs:
This first post will hopefully help document the issues users are having with the stock electronics, the second post below will be some of the information quoted from the other thread for those that have replaced the electronics to show what aftermarket options are known to work.
Please feel free to post in this thread if you have had problems with the stock electronics, and what you have done to fix them or what you replaced them with.
There is a different thread for servos, so please keep this thread as OEM electronics issues and ESC/RX replacements.
Stock Electronics:
The stock electronics are known to be likely to fail very quickly in these little rigs. Axial provides a warranty, and you can contact them for a replacement if you want to receive the same Tactic 2-in-1 ESC/RX combo.
Often these fail when switching to 2S lipo. It is not clear if those users switched the setting in the ESC, but the slight increase in voltage should not have been the problem if they didn't.
If you are looking to swap to something better, see post 2 for some examples of what other users have swapped to.
Here are some examples of problems users have had with the stock ESC/RX:
Yes, while adjusting settings the receiver / ESC went non-responsive. Working with Axial now, trying to get a replacement in time to have some fun with it over the holiday break.
Well, mine's dead. Got to work a few minutes ago. Plugged 'er up. Drove it around the side of the building and back, on pavement, and it suddenly came to a stop. No response at all. Unplugged, plugged, nothing. Started smelling hot electronics. Popped the top and the front half of the ESC/RX combo was getting really warm so I unplugged it. Nothing is pinched anywhere that I can see. It just up and died.
…So a lame servo out of the box and a dead RX/ESC within the first 3 days. This ready to run stuff is for the birds.
*Edit* Not sure if it's disappointing or comforting that my rx/esc isn't the only one that died within minutes. Axial told me I have to ship them in before they'll send anything out - is that what everyone else has been told?
Ran it around the kitchen for about 3 minutes then she stops dead. No steering, no throttle, nothing. Reset power 5 or 6 times in different order, ESC then remote, remote then ESC, nothing. Now I get to call Axial on Monday and tell them they sold me a complete lemon. What a disappointment. I'm replacing everything and taking this servo back for a better one. The stock electronics are garbage.
Hmm. That's two replaced with HS-65MGs followed by an ESC shutdown after a short run. Surely the servo circuit isn't that weak. Still, sucks to hear about yet another one going down.
my esc burnt up and my servo was basically non functional out of box. It wouldn't center from a left turn at all, even lifted off the ground. I love the machine but the electronics are utter garbage.
well, upgraded to 2s lipo and within 30 seconds esc went up in smoke. stock servo and everything else.
I nearly got two packs through the Jr with the new servo before the ESC ****-to-bed.
My son and I were taking turns doing laps around the kitchen and living room when the truck suddenly stopped. I opened it up, unplugged the battery and then burnt my finger touching the ESC. That thing was hotter than hell. I let it cool down and charged up the battery (still using stock). Before calling it a night, I plugged the battery in and nothing. No LED light, no sounds, the ESC/Receiver is toast.
Well, like the rest, my electronics crapped out the second after i put a lipo in it. I never even hit the throttle. The second i touched the steering it went down unresponsive.
Update to my issue. When I plug the battery in and turn on the transmitter the transmitter led light will flash red every little bit. Not sure if this is because of the esc/receiver combo being bad or could that be the transmitter itself? The esc doesn't even make a noise now when plugging the battery in. I'm irritated as many of you are and frustrated with the amount of money going in to this already.
Did u change battery type as u switched to lipo ?
The RE20 ESC/RX has to be programmed if u change the battery type see instructions (Page 11).
Recieved my rock racer version about 90 mins ago. It drove a few ft and stopped. I figured the included battery was too low voltage. I have a few small packs I had pre charged waiting on just a dean's plug swap. After the plug swap, same thing, made it a few feet and it stopped. I could still steer at this point. I let it sit there for a few mins while I looked in the manual... it twitched the steering on its own, at this point I lost steering control on the transmitter. I started calling axial, while waiting on hold the car took off on its own, I had to disconnect the battery. While talking to the tech, I plugged it in again. It would twitch the steering every few seconds, then I saw what looked like an amber led start glowing not far from the red led on the reciever. But as the smell of burnt electronics hit my nose, I realized it wasn't an ledso I get to ship it back, pretty bummed atm, I hope they don't hassle me over the dean's connector...
So i got it full knowing that a lot of people were having issues. Even ordered a new servo which came the same day the Yeti jr came. Charged the battery, and drove it around the living room and it just stopped. Servo was twitching a little bit. Turned it off, and let it sit awhile. Plugged it in again and same thing. Think I got a bad battery or the esc failing already?
It seems most ESCs fail with 2S lipo, but some are failing with the stock battery. Also some users report the ESC failed after they upgraded their servo.
If you want to upgrade to something better, check out post 2 for some examples that are known to work in these rigs: