Rock Stacker
Freeride Bike and Skate shop has began the brain storming for a indoor course for the winter time our first setup will include two large hills laid out on a 17 ft by 4.5 feet course. Now this is our first course we are going to build so we are open to any suggestions on what to put into the course, "ie" real rocks, logs, wire bridges and some foam with bed liner. As of right now we have planned out a course with roughly 7 to 10 gates per course with about 3 or 4 bonus gates. We dont plan on it being an impossible course but we really wont know how difficult it will be until its done. Our goal is to start building around late august and be done with it mid october. I will start posting photos of the build as it progresses but like I said we are just in the planning phase right now and hope to get some other crawlers in the shop for a little help in the design. It will be built mainly for 2.2 crawlers but should be good for anything smaller or maybe even some scale crawling. So dont forget about us when it is too cold to crawl, cause we will be getting some practice time in our nice heated building during those freezing winter days.:mrgreen: