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Ultra 4 Race in San Marcos


Rock Crawler
Subscribed Member
Apr 16, 2015
San Marcos
My son and I do a 2.5ish mile Ultra 4 race at CSUSM. 20 laps, running behind the trucks. I run a modified UDR and my son drives his Axial Yeti. Any 1/10 or larger vehicle would be fun. Smaller than that would struggle with some of the rocks on course. Where we race is not my property, so no modifications to the terrain and tread lightly. Come race with us!

Our next race will be Thursday 03/12/2021 at around 1:30pm.
Our rules:

1. If you don't complete a lap, you must start that lap over at the "Start / Finish" line.

2. Human contact with the vehicle can only result in backward progress of the vehicle.

3. Unlimited Class only - no vehicle restrictions.

4. Ties or benefit-of-the-doubt situation will give advantage to the younger driver in the situation.

5. Both driver and vehicle must cross the finish line. Winner determined by physical finishing order only.

6. <10 racers starting = starting order determined by age, youngest start first. >10 racers starting = 1 qualifying lap determines start order with youngest still starting first.

7. If you intend to come, PM me for my phone number. If you don't I will not include you in our race.

8. No alcohol, weed or narcotics. If I see it, I'm calling the Sheriff's Department. The course is NOT my property and I don't want to lose my ability to race there. Let's go have a beer after you've lost!
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Big boys? Oh, you must mean the big boys who play with $1,000 toy trucks, right? That makes sense.

I was confused for a moment there.
Big boys? Oh, you must mean the big boys who play with $1,000 toy trucks, right? That makes sense.

I was confused for a moment there.
not realy what i ment but that works too

also could mean biger scale rigs

or could mean on the bjg boy terrain

or it could mean racing without kerrens imposing there ways on others
I assumed your last suggestion implying that I'm a "Karen" is actually what you meant, and I appreciate the clarification.

What I meant is that none of us are "big boys." We're all playing with toys, and substance use doesn't change that.

Well you're still welcome to come race, and I'm not imposing anything on you. You can show up and smoke whatever you'd like. And I can call the cops if I'd like.

We're both free men.

Or you can get lifted before you show up, which I don't have any problem with, and won't call anyone about.

And anyway, we're both just ****ing with each other. On an internet forum. About toy trucks. I don't assume you take this as a big deal.
And to to clarify, my intent isn't really to keep guys using weed or drinking away. If I call the cops in San Marcos and tell them there's people getting high in public, guess how many days it'll take them to arrive? They don't care, and they shouldn't.

But the meth, heroin, pill.... users. Yeah. I don't want them around.
i would hope that everyone here understands you dont disrepect others by smoking anything in front of there kids or any other adult activity for that matter with out the parrents exspressed permission personaly i dont care but i have grandkids and i have to respect moms wishes or dads if they says no than no same with other peoples kids i also feel it.dosent need to be sead its just commin practice to go some were else if there are kids around
your just being a good parent i get that but maybe just ask the offender to leave rather than telling every one your gona call the cops that sends a bad message to the kids too in my opinion

also any rig im gona run in anykind of rock race is well over $1k
those rigs are big too
and when i do run those rigs its on full sized rock racing courses and open desert but im vary lucky to have that right out side my house so
in my mind why go any were else these trails are were rock racing started

some times you have to poke fun to determin the leval of snowflakyness a person has most people understand this is the internet not a safe space lol and dont take any of it personaly
i dont think anyone want to disrepect anyone but rousting other members sometimes gets out of hand and if it gets bad the mods will.step in and say something but for the most part it dosent come to that

with all that sead with out pics or even better video it dident happen
So MR. "I'm offended because i'm a responsible weed smoking adult" came in....made fun of you for being a responsible adult who would like to go out with his son and have a good time...at a school...where getting kicked out could happen very easily, And you are very serious about nobody coming and f***ING around...at a school....and around possibly other kids.....like a responsible "adult/parent"....

I like the not wanting to be around "karens"......then the next post complementing you on being a good parent..... Someone needs to smoke less....

Just got a 3s for my gen8. its fast...really fast .. maybe ill come on my lunch and steal all your lunch money, then go to in n out and have a feast.

So MR. "I'm offended because i'm a responsible weed smoking adult" came in....made fun of you for being a responsible adult who would like to go out with his son and have a good time...at a school...where getting kicked out could happen very easily, And you are very serious about nobody coming and f***ING around...at a school....and around possibly other kids.....like a responsible "adult/parent"....

I like the not wanting to be around "karens"......then the next post complementing you on being a good parent..... Someone needs to smoke less....

Just got a 3s for my gen8. its fast...really fast .. maybe ill come on my lunch and steal all your lunch money, then go to in n out and have a feast.

i think someone missed the point if you have a issue take care of it your self

how do the kids say it

that sead when you go out there with your super fast gen8 to kick everyones but record some dang video or it dident happen
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Hey man, I'm down for the Gen8 challenge.

As with any Ultra 4 course, there is a high speed section where I'm confident my UDR will make up what it may lose in the rocks. Maybe you'll be buying me some lunch from In N Out?

What the **** is reddit?
Hey man, I'm down for the Gen8 challenge.

As with any Ultra 4 course, there is a high speed section where I'm confident my UDR will make up what it may lose in the rocks. Maybe you'll be buying me some lunch from In N Out?

What the **** is reddit?

Hmmmm.....Maybe I will make a trailer for my gen8 and tow my baja rey...and like, unload it on the fast sections...it may stay together, you neer know with it.....I don't see any rules stating you cant have two vehicles.... so maybe then i'll win.

Protein style with a vanilla shake here I come!



But anyways..do you walk the disc golf course?
We run our trucks in a section that butts right up against the disc golf course, but we manage to stay entirely off of it.

We can run the entire race without interfering with them, and without them interfering with us.

We cover a fair amount of ground though, running behind the trucks so if you're on a lunch break, you'd be going back to work sweaty and tired. The entire high speed section can be seen by standing in one spot, so you don't have to try to follow your truck at 30mph. But through all of the rocks we're chasing them.
Our next race will be Thursday 03/12/2021 at around 1:30pm. --

Is this still on? Thursday is the 11th. Let me know I want to come and check this out.
You're right, I got the date wrong. Thanks for pointing that out. I can build and drive an RC car, but calendars still elude me.

And we're still on for Thursday, the 11th. I hope to see you. I'll PM you with my phone number in case you want more details.

You know, I just noticed it's supposed to rain Thursday. If it's actively raining, I won't race, and it'll be postponed one week. I'll post here at 10am on Thursday if the race is canceled due to active rain.
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Current series standing after today's race:

Fallen: 2 DNFs, 1 win, 1 finish = 15 points.

Fallen's son: 1 win, 2 finishes, 1 DNF = 15 points.

We'll finish our series at the end of June.

Next race, two weeks from today. March 25 @ 1:30pm.
no pics or video so it dident happen
my last outing with my rock racer

and heres a pic of the actual course with the yxl just to get the scale of things


this is big boy rock racing about as big as it gets while still playing with toys
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Yeah, I need to put my GoPro on next time we go and score some course footage.

Are those photos from Johnson Valley? I've never seen it in person, but those photos sure look like video footage of the place.
Well, there's no competing with the birthplace of Ultra 4. Hopefully I can get some good enough video to show that it's fun over here in San Marcos.

But would I leave Johnson Valley to drive in...anywhere else? Probably not.