i picked up a spawn when they first came out ran the snot out of it then axial took a turn for the worst and there were no parts available to repair the cage so i went for a to a cheap metal cage
anyway i ran it for many years before pulling the parts out and using them for other builds
anyway i have a extra set of nice wraith axles so now seems like a good time to rebuild the wraith
i picked up a few parts a 2 speed transmission with a counter rotating output shaft a outrunner and new servo and some stainless tubing for the links
the outrunner is gona be alot lighter than the old hd8 and should have close to the same torque
the ssd rear axle will also lighten up the rig
the potmetal front axle will give it a good forward bias
i did the fastback mod to the steel cage so i lost alittle weight up top too im hoping i can improve apon the old rig its now lighter with a lower center of gravity and ill have to see if the counter rotating driveshafts makes any difference in performance

anyway i ran it for many years before pulling the parts out and using them for other builds
anyway i have a extra set of nice wraith axles so now seems like a good time to rebuild the wraith
i picked up a few parts a 2 speed transmission with a counter rotating output shaft a outrunner and new servo and some stainless tubing for the links
the outrunner is gona be alot lighter than the old hd8 and should have close to the same torque
the ssd rear axle will also lighten up the rig
the potmetal front axle will give it a good forward bias
i did the fastback mod to the steel cage so i lost alittle weight up top too im hoping i can improve apon the old rig its now lighter with a lower center of gravity and ill have to see if the counter rotating driveshafts makes any difference in performance

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