Hi everybody, new member here, I've been into RC since I was a kid, and currently have a mix of 1/10 SCT & MT, and 1/8 buggy, all electric. I hope to pick up lots of useful info from you seasoned SCX10 guys, as I've just got a version 1? / 1.0 / V1 SCX10. I am planning a few changes & general maintenance before hitting the trail, as the previous owner hasn't used the truck much in recent years, so reckon bearings will need attention as a bare minimum.
I also have a lot of play where the current 3-link (on the front) mounts to the axle, so the axle now rotates forwards / backwards under power/brake.
So, guess its a good opportunity to do a 4-link up front. I would like some thoughts from you guys that have owned and/or still run the original version of the SCX10, and have knowledge / experience of doing this mod.
Many of the smaller brand 4-link options are no longer available (blue monkey, level3rc etc), so I've come up with three options, all of which allow me to keep the axle mounted servo - I would like to keep cost/time to a minimum and have no desire for scale points (at this stage...). All three options are a similar price, and can be done for less than 15 usd. I have spare TRX pivot balls, so will just change out the current plastic example for the time being, to get me out on the trail, but the 4-link is defo the way I want to go longer term. So...
1. Samix 4-link servo plate.
Like the look of this quality wise, though does look a little on the large side in the pics. My main query on this one relates to the mounting points for the upper links. In the pic it shows what I thought were multiple mounting holes for the two upper links, but in another pic it shows the plate mounted above what looks like an axle truss, and the upper links are mounted to that, effectively making this simply a servo plate? So, can the links be mounted direct to this plate, or do you need the truss and the plate?
2. BP Custom SCX10 4 Link Servo Plate.
Like the look of this as its quite small, can cater for different width servos and also has two further attachment points to the axle. Not too sure on the links mounting point, the links will be touching, so potential risk of fouling driveshafts vs a mount with wider / individual mounts?
3. Std Axial RTR 4-link truss.
Simple, keeps the stock look, but as I don't have a spare with the kit parts, cost will be similar to other options, and it means your stock servo plate is now only secured by 2 screws rather than 3. Prob not an issue up to 20kg servos, but ideally I'd like to retain three mounting points to the axle.
So... thoughts? Best option from a functional POV? Not that bothered by looks TBH, just want something to work well, and not compromise other areas of the truck. Any other options I haven't listed above? Thanks
I also have a lot of play where the current 3-link (on the front) mounts to the axle, so the axle now rotates forwards / backwards under power/brake.
So, guess its a good opportunity to do a 4-link up front. I would like some thoughts from you guys that have owned and/or still run the original version of the SCX10, and have knowledge / experience of doing this mod.
Many of the smaller brand 4-link options are no longer available (blue monkey, level3rc etc), so I've come up with three options, all of which allow me to keep the axle mounted servo - I would like to keep cost/time to a minimum and have no desire for scale points (at this stage...). All three options are a similar price, and can be done for less than 15 usd. I have spare TRX pivot balls, so will just change out the current plastic example for the time being, to get me out on the trail, but the 4-link is defo the way I want to go longer term. So...
1. Samix 4-link servo plate.
Like the look of this quality wise, though does look a little on the large side in the pics. My main query on this one relates to the mounting points for the upper links. In the pic it shows what I thought were multiple mounting holes for the two upper links, but in another pic it shows the plate mounted above what looks like an axle truss, and the upper links are mounted to that, effectively making this simply a servo plate? So, can the links be mounted direct to this plate, or do you need the truss and the plate?
2. BP Custom SCX10 4 Link Servo Plate.
Like the look of this as its quite small, can cater for different width servos and also has two further attachment points to the axle. Not too sure on the links mounting point, the links will be touching, so potential risk of fouling driveshafts vs a mount with wider / individual mounts?
3. Std Axial RTR 4-link truss.
Simple, keeps the stock look, but as I don't have a spare with the kit parts, cost will be similar to other options, and it means your stock servo plate is now only secured by 2 screws rather than 3. Prob not an issue up to 20kg servos, but ideally I'd like to retain three mounting points to the axle.
So... thoughts? Best option from a functional POV? Not that bothered by looks TBH, just want something to work well, and not compromise other areas of the truck. Any other options I haven't listed above? Thanks