I wanna be Dave

Arkansas Recon G6 Intel..
*For your eyes only*
C.R.A.W.L.~ Crawler Research and Wild Lifesigns facilities has been breached..
Search parties will be needed to search the hillsides for missing test rigs/parts and drivers as well as "wild life" that has escaped into the underbrush.
12 acres borders the Beautiful Lake Maumelle in roland,ar.
That will be your search area,follow the trail markers and keep your wits about you. Some trails are marked well,some may double back on you,check them all,leave no stone unturned.
The Test facility has creeks,hills,rock gardens,trenchs,mud and who knows whatelse,so come prepared,but most of all come to have FUN!
2 stages to complete.
2 Groups will be formed and set out on each stage.
Upon completion of each stage you will need to check in at G-central for a punch or stamp.
NO time limit,take your time and enjoy the adventure!
RG6 “CRAWL Adv ” Intel
- Where – Roland,ar 25021 lake vista dr
- When – Oct 8-9, 2016
- What - RECON G6 Day / Night Stage
- Saturday Oct8th 8:00am - Driver Check In / Registration at G Central
- 10:00am – Group Photo / Boom Racing Show & Shine. Participants may enter multiple rigs.
- 10:30am – Team Fast Eddy Driver Meeting / Staging for ALL Scale Adventure vehicles / National Anthem.
- Day Stage Start Time – Immediately following the National Anthem
- Night Stage Start Time - 8pm. Night Stage Finish - 9pm. (time may change due to sunset)
Oct 9th - clean up and wheel with Gcrew. Over @12ish noon.
-Register Online Here;
Must register online to receive a raffle ticket that enters you in..
Note: Online Registrants must bring printed out receipt with them to registration.
- Day of registration is available. There will be an additional charge a $5.00 for onsite registration.
- RG6 Fees – Online Registration for all adult classes - $25.00 (additional $10.00 for Night Stage)
Online Registration for all Rascal classes - $15.00 ( an additional $5.00 for night stage)
Note: RECON Rascal drivers 5 and under – FREE
Onsite registration fee of $5.00 will be applied to all RG6 fees.
- 16:00pm – Day Stage cut off time. If you are on stage, please return to G-Central for award ceremony.
- 16:00 +/-pm – Driver of the Day Class Awards, Raffles, & RG6 Finishing Prizes. Must be present to win.
- RECON G6 Terracross Races - 6pm start - Classes - 1.9 , 2.2 , Rock Racer , Trophy Truck
Mandatory Scale Requirements
- A tow strap is mandatory and will be used during the stage.
- 10 scale items are mandatory. A scale item can be a driver, bumpers, a pet, a spare tire, gauges, lights, bumper sticker, etc.
- A scale flashlight,med kit and net to catch the wierd life is mandatory and must be placed on rig.
Not Mandatory, But Highly Recommended Requirements
- A scale book, titled “RECON G6 5 Years of Fun”. This item will earn you one raffle ticket in the “Look, I brought a scale book” bonus raffle.
- 5 trail repair items. This can include the Mandatory item(s).
-Photo OP spots will located throughout the stages.
Stop and take a pic,then upload with hastags #recong6 #rg6crawladv
2016 RECON G6 Classes
-1.9 Adventurists – The class for 1.9 tire size vehicles.
-2.2 Adventurists – The class for 2.2 tire size vehicles.
-RECON Rascal Mini Me Class – Drivers 6 years old and younger.
-RECON Rascal We Cool Class – Drivers 7 to 10 years of age
-RECON Rascal Big Dog Class – Drivers 11 to 15 years of age.
-Drivin’ Diva Class – Female Scale Adventure Drivers. This class will be sub-divided when 5 or more drivers of the same wheel size are present.
-Family Fun Class – For Families that drive scale adventure together.
-R.A.D. Class (Real Adventures Daily) – This Class is for our handi-capable Scale Adventure Drivers. A RECON G6 Stage specifically set for wheelchair accessibility. Drivers may have a co-driver that may assist with any driving or driver challenges.
-Veteran Class – 40 to 55 year old scale adventure drivers. This class will be sub-divided when 5 or more drivers of the same wheel size are present.
-Senior Class – All drivers 56 and over. This class will be sub-divided when 5 or more drivers of the same wheel size are present.
-Scale Trials Class – For scale adventure rigs with 1.55 or smaller tires.
-Truck Trials Class – For drivers of 6x6 scale adventure rigs.
-Team Class – A class for 3 drivers. Each driver must drive their own scale rig. A Team starts together and must finish together.
- 5 entries make a class.
Camping/RV at maumelle park..@10min away
Pinnacle valley rd.
Groceries and food @10min away as well.
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