Quarry Creeper

Free registration
Free hotel for the driver
Free meals for the pilot
Preference given to the drivers following the championship
The pilots are obliged to be present from the opening to the closing of the fair
They will also participate in the sale of raffle tickets to visitors who finance this project
We will use the polyester shapes of the Molines 2016 race plus others that are under construction
We need 10 drivers,
for organizational reasons notably for the hotel the registration is to be made at the earliest, the reservation and the payment of the hotel will be made by the pilot, the refund will be made on Monday morning Following the race, the same for the restaurant (according to the particular rules of each event)
2 categories - 2.2 Pro - 2.2 Shafty
This is paid by lottery prizes and the participation of sponsors
The goal is to show discipline and make new adepts, it worked well in Molines, we will accentuate that in 2017 and we will take stock at the end of the year to see if the inconvenience is worth it or not.
The advantage and to be able to give information with the Brochure (16 pages in A5) at the same time as to propose a support to the sponsors who finance the presence of the pilots.
The sale of raffle tickets allows us to promote ourselves in these model show at less cost
The fact of being promoted in events with a lot of people facilitates the contact with the sponsors
Offering a magazine facilitates contact with sponsors
The sponsors help us to realize this by offering us lots for raffle
The goal is for everyone to win
Pre - registration (hotel validated by a paypal)
Ludo 26
Banan metalik

RC4WD RC4WD - The Ultimate RC Products On ne présente plus RC4WD, qui fait office de référence. Leur produits sont incontournables et notre hobby n’en serait pas là aujourd’hui sans eux. RC4WD sera aussi le sponsor principal de la course n°6 Avignon Model Show qui est le plus gros événement des 3 salons. Grâce a lui, nous auront 2 kits pour la tombola et toute l’électronique du comp crawler 2,2 pro.

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