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looking for fellowcrawlers


Aug 13, 2013
Saint Albans
hey just wanted to see if there was anyone out there looking to hook up with me and my friend and maybe get something going for a once a month run?

where up in Saint Albans just north of Burlington give me a shout if it sounds likesomething you'd like to do

thanks and keep trailing Paul

I knlow the spot use to fish there a lot when I was younger

I've been wanting to hit Swanton as the water is low this time of year and I'm pretty sure I could almost make it 3/4 away across if not all the way

but my servo is dead and waiting on Novak to replace a bad ESC I got from them so looks like I'm out for a week or so but when I get up and running I'll hit you up and we can arrange to get together

till then keep it between the lines LOL!!

Bummer about electronics issues. They suck.

Feel free to PM me when you can go crawling. I'm on here a lot so I'll get it. I'm usually free either day on the weekends but Sundays work better for my friend.

Let me know.


I see your post here and wanted to let you know I'd like to join you sometime. I am originally from Colchester but have a family place in North Hero. Probably done with trips up North for this year but i'll keep your post handy for next year...
