Hello there,
I have been getting into the hobby and enjoying my time and pushing the limits of what the truck Spawn RTR can do, replacing/upgrading as things break. Typically do some crawling (around the colonnade, slab, other local locations around Issaquah), trail running, and general bashing around the complex area, becoming more familiar with the capabilities.
In a prior life I beat the hell outta my 1:1 Amigo all over CO/UT and had a great time... now it's scale world time.
My latest scenario last week is such:
We were bashing around and the tell tale sound of clicking gears started. Stripped the stock idler gear, so replaced with the RR metal idler and 1 piece output gear. I did validate no binding and smooth running all around.
Doing a test run on the rock forms by the pool (kinda like Moab slick rock formations), it was moving without issue, it was 45 min +/- into the run and during a climb it stalled out. It wouldn't climb over the last nub on the climb, I started to back off and give it a little bump, but before I could do so, I saw smoke.
It wasn't bellowing out, but a sustained amount and smelled of cooked electronics; previously it would let out some wisps as it got to the end of battery charge, high heat, or otherwise tired toward the end of runs. the belly pan was quite warm, and the battery leads were super flexible and overheated too, I ran way too much current through the electrical system.
Suspecting that the motor is fairly well done at this point, I recharged the batter and ran it around the living room and it moves fine, there is not a very big load/resistance however.
All that being said, I am thinking that I should replace the 20T stock motor with a 27T or 35T as a band aid to get me through the next month until budget allows for a brushless system with ESC replacement.
Looked at the 55T Axial, but think that is too much.
with the Spawn I am running 32p 56/12 spur/pinion. I think I will be okay with that standard gearing on a 27T/35T motor, but also thought to gear down pinion to a 9 or 10tooth to lower my ratio to cover all eventualities.
Running all stock electronics, and a Lipo 2S 5100mAh battery.
have replaced all my links with Ti, servo horn with Al, bearings, universals, and painted my chassis/cage over the past 2 months since I've had it.
Is my thinking that updating to a 27/35T motor and a 56/9 or 10 would be in that acceptable range?
Thanks for the help!
I have been getting into the hobby and enjoying my time and pushing the limits of what the truck Spawn RTR can do, replacing/upgrading as things break. Typically do some crawling (around the colonnade, slab, other local locations around Issaquah), trail running, and general bashing around the complex area, becoming more familiar with the capabilities.
In a prior life I beat the hell outta my 1:1 Amigo all over CO/UT and had a great time... now it's scale world time.
My latest scenario last week is such:
We were bashing around and the tell tale sound of clicking gears started. Stripped the stock idler gear, so replaced with the RR metal idler and 1 piece output gear. I did validate no binding and smooth running all around.
Doing a test run on the rock forms by the pool (kinda like Moab slick rock formations), it was moving without issue, it was 45 min +/- into the run and during a climb it stalled out. It wouldn't climb over the last nub on the climb, I started to back off and give it a little bump, but before I could do so, I saw smoke.
It wasn't bellowing out, but a sustained amount and smelled of cooked electronics; previously it would let out some wisps as it got to the end of battery charge, high heat, or otherwise tired toward the end of runs. the belly pan was quite warm, and the battery leads were super flexible and overheated too, I ran way too much current through the electrical system.
Suspecting that the motor is fairly well done at this point, I recharged the batter and ran it around the living room and it moves fine, there is not a very big load/resistance however.
All that being said, I am thinking that I should replace the 20T stock motor with a 27T or 35T as a band aid to get me through the next month until budget allows for a brushless system with ESC replacement.
Looked at the 55T Axial, but think that is too much.
with the Spawn I am running 32p 56/12 spur/pinion. I think I will be okay with that standard gearing on a 27T/35T motor, but also thought to gear down pinion to a 9 or 10tooth to lower my ratio to cover all eventualities.
Running all stock electronics, and a Lipo 2S 5100mAh battery.
have replaced all my links with Ti, servo horn with Al, bearings, universals, and painted my chassis/cage over the past 2 months since I've had it.
Is my thinking that updating to a 27/35T motor and a 56/9 or 10 would be in that acceptable range?
Thanks for the help!