Pebble Pounder

So I've had this truck for a little while now, but I've not done a lot to it. I've never really been into the smaller scale crawlers, I'm a 1/10th scale guy. This is a truck I never would have bought on my own, but I ended up with it anyway. I got it through one of the raffles at Axialfest Badlands this last year, likely just some unsold stock. I actually saw it at the Horizon booth sitting out on the table. I know it's the same one because I'd seen it a couple hours earlier and it was the only green one they had out, and the one I got was an opened box that was still covered in a light layer of dust.

I got it home and cleaned it up (it was the last day and we packed up and drove home right after the raffles was over), and it came out pretty well. It's actually quite a fun truck to mess with. I wouldn't exactly recommend one (especially not since the 4WS one came out, that thing is sweet), but I plan to keep it anyway. It's fun to mess around with in the house, and that's mainly what I use it for. I use it far more than my SCX24 (I've driven it like twice lol), it's way better for that type of stuff imo. It's a decent crawler, but it flips over a lot. I don't plan to do much, but some brass portals/covers are definitely on the list. Other than that, I'm not quite sure. Definitely a fun truck to have around though, I can say that much. I still think it's hilarious that I won it literally the day after my dad bought his UTB10 (his first crawler).