^ weak sauce IMO
Hitec HS79--TH = 50, 80, 90
(never mind the other Hitec HS79--TH series)*
*(those are better suited for buggies and lightweight rigs with smaller tires.)
Torque increases in this series... but their cost is reflective.
They will also need be supplied 7.4v to net their full potential.
for less coin
(near 1/2 the cost of a 7950)... and less voltage requirement
the Savox SA1230SG = 500 oz/in @ 6v
works quite well pushing 5.80" 2.2's.
compare their specifcations for yourself...
The Savox SA1230SG runs strong reqiuring only 6v.
And my HH's BR/XL's internal BEC offers a 6v output.
But not every ESC does.
Another thing to have consideration for is...
tho' some RX's can handle 6v run thru.
pushing 7.4v thru... could be a whole 'nother story.
any high torque/power servo pushing 300 oz/in ^
should be powered directly from an external/adjustable BEC
and preferably not be routed thru the RX.
I run the Savox SA1230SG in both my rigs. (1.9/2.2)
tho' the BR/XL and my FlySky RX can handle
the additional voltage.
IMO... It is not the best way to wire them.
Using the HH's "Y" adapter by-passes the RX
and feeds the servo directly from an external/adjustable BEC.
And the ESC's internal BEC is then utilized to power the RX.
If ya wire it the more traditional way...
besides being sure your RX will handle the additional voltage run thru...
The ECS's power wire leading to the RX must be removed/disengaged.
Only one power supply can power the RX.
Took me a total of 10 seconds...
to install the HH's "Y" adapter in both my rigs.
Really simple to do.
I'm not sure why I didn't do it that way in the first place !?
Now no matter what servo is used, irrelevant of power demand.
I simply adjust the Ext. BEC voltage to meet that servo's requirement.
Wiring using the HH's by-pass... means less stress placed on the RX 8)
All that said...
any servo can fail if it's abused enough ;-)