Try to Bend it
Probably the longest post to start a build thread but here goes. This is something I have been meaning to do for sometime and what better time than now.
Home now and settled back in, I have finally had a chance to unpack a few things.
I would just like to thank every one in attendance for making this my favourite Nationals of them all. From the unheard of amount of Marshalls and volunteers through to the competitors. You all helped to make this an extremely enjoyable event. Not only on the the rocks but also afterwards with the many social get togethers. Seeing such a great turn out at Dinner on Saturday night was awesome and really gave every one a great opportunity to relax and socialise. Rather than saying a quick hello while you walked past each other on the way to your next course.
My Nationals adventure was a lot different to those of past years. Due to situations at work my leave was nearly completely cancelled at the eleventh hour, fortunately I was still permitted to travel but in a much shorter time frame. I had originally intended to leave Perth on the Tuesday to spend some time with family and then travel to Nelsons on Thursday. Plans changed and I ended up flying to Sydney at 5a.m. on Friday morning. Luckily for me Waz was on the same flight as me and we shared a car out to the comp site arriving at 5:30p.m. with just enough time to run two packs before the plague of Mozzies set in. Hardly the on site preparation I had hoped for. Though it seems it was enough in the end.
Come Saturday morning I was feeling very shabby after an alcohol fueled evening with Rick finishing at what I was told was close to 3a.m. Man that little guy can get you into some serious trouble. My Saturday as far as 2.2 goes was one filled with highlights. Successfully managing to complete all 5 courses on the day was a first for me and one that left me hoping that I might make it into the Shootout. Come 11 o’clock I discovered that luck was on my side and I managed to scrape into 5th place over TCB (Mike) by only one point. It does not get any closer than that. This meant I would be facing off against 4 of the best drivers in the country including two previous cANZ Champions. Soulscythe, Hulksta, Layto and filotr14lsdude (Leigh, Dan, Layton and Allan) So then set about charging enough packs for the day to come and going over my rig to make sure it would stand up to the rigors of three of the hardest courses ever set in cANZ Nationals History. TCB never fails to deliver in setting up great courses and these were some of his best ever, Thank Mike. I finished wrenching at close to 1a.m. and then had a very unsettled sleep with copious amounts of adrenaline coursing through my body. Bang 7a.m. and it’s time for the shoot out.
The shoot out courses were set on rock that no one had ever driven and posed some great challenges for all involved Typically shoot outs are ran blind with participants not allowed to watch those that run before you. This makes for a great level playing field and no knowledge how others have gone before your run. I ran fourth in the first course and after a couple of curly moments managed to keep my cool and top score on that course with a -9 from one reverse and one gate touch. This was a tight and technical course with 8 gates and only 4 minutes to complete them. I think we were all wondering how we would go with the tight time frame, to every ones credit we all made it through the finish line.
Course two was a different story. 10 gates in 5 minutes this was a long and technical course which saw us all come unstuck with a DNF on course. Luckily I still managed to complete as many gates as the other guys scoring a DNF after gate 9. Again I lost my way mid course but managed to keep it together for a respectable finish. All bound up in a crevice between 9 and 10 I had some 15-20 seconds to get the finish but timed out with my car mid chassis through the final gate. The adrenaline was really pumping now as I still held my lead from the first course. After this we had a much needed break that saw the first two sportsman courses run. Time for a rest and some rehydration.
While watching some of the Sporty drivers compete I could see Mike off in the distance setting our third and final shootout course. Safe to say that the amount of balls he had laid out and the location of the course looked very daunting from my view point and I was a bit concerned about what was to follow. Leigh and Dan had already had their runs before myself and Layto headed off to the course and we arrived as Allan was completing his run. Now it was my turn, I made my way across to the course to see the full scale of Mike’s efforts. The course comprised 15 gates (no that is not a typo) to be completed in 7 minutes with a stop and teleport box after gate 10, holy shit I thought to myself after spending a couple of minutes on the walk through. I dropped my rig on the start line after making sure everything was functioning as it should, it did that was a good start. A few deep breathes and hand flicks to shake out any nerves that wanted to leave my body and I was off. I managed to clean the first 10 gates with only one reverse in around 4 minutes pulling into the stop box safely. I shifted my rig to the second start box and again shook out a few more nerves, off we go again 5 more gates and then it is all over. The last 5 gates were of a very technical nature with plenty of tight turns, climbs, drops and close gates. The first 3 of this section I got through fine with a reverse or two. The fourth and finish gate saw me take another couple of reverses to complete the course unscathed finishing with 6:02 on the clock and nearly a full minute to spare, a clean run and only 5 reverses. At this point it dawned on me, Holy Cow I have just won the 2015 Nationals, Seriously I have just won the F’ing Nationals. Some raised eyebrows were shared amongst close friends who had also realized what had just happened. Though I could not get too eager about what had just occurred as nothing was official yet. But after 5 years I had finally concurred a cANZ Nationals.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my sponsors and supporters who have aided me in this journey. To JRH at Holmes Hobbies, Thank you for providing the motors and ESC’s to lay down the power I need on course. Your support of the last three years have been very much appreciated thank you for having me on your team.
To RCBros, I thank you for the great chassis, axles, gears, shocks and links. The fact that this rig was only 1 comp and around 10 packs old when it entered this event. To take out the win is a testament to the great products you supply produce.
To Onetencrawlers.com.au Thank you for keeping a lot of the need to have parts in stock when we need them. I may be a part of this small company but I am only one part of it so credit where credit is due. Thank you Dad and Stewart, your support has meant the world to me.
I would also like to give a big shout out and thank you to Ottsix Tyres and Crawler Innovations. With out you guys there is no way any of us could lay the traction down the way that we do in this modern era of crawling. Thanks guys your determination and drive to supply us with the best is what makes you true gentlemen.
Special mention to Layto, thanks for your guidance and precise direction on the courses on Saturday, safe to say I would not have been in this position if it were not for your assistance. Cheers mate.
I would also like to thank all of the sponsors that put their hand up to support Crawling in Australia. While chances are you will not meet many of us , you are still willing to put your time and products forward to support our event. This is something that is appreciated by all of our members and competitors so thank you from all of us. RC4WD,Crawler Innovations, Onetencrawlers, Dravtech, Axial and HHQ, Supershafty, Hulksta Eng., DCW, Mischeif and Mayhem, Krawler Koncepts, Mr. Links, Beef’d RC.
Thank you to all of the marshalls across all of the classes your help on the days is what made this event the success that it was and your efforts are very much appreciated.
Finally to Mike for laying out some of the toughest courses we are likely to see until this time next year. Thanks for taking the trip across the pond and putting in the hard yards again.
The real build thread will follow.

Home now and settled back in, I have finally had a chance to unpack a few things.
I would just like to thank every one in attendance for making this my favourite Nationals of them all. From the unheard of amount of Marshalls and volunteers through to the competitors. You all helped to make this an extremely enjoyable event. Not only on the the rocks but also afterwards with the many social get togethers. Seeing such a great turn out at Dinner on Saturday night was awesome and really gave every one a great opportunity to relax and socialise. Rather than saying a quick hello while you walked past each other on the way to your next course.
My Nationals adventure was a lot different to those of past years. Due to situations at work my leave was nearly completely cancelled at the eleventh hour, fortunately I was still permitted to travel but in a much shorter time frame. I had originally intended to leave Perth on the Tuesday to spend some time with family and then travel to Nelsons on Thursday. Plans changed and I ended up flying to Sydney at 5a.m. on Friday morning. Luckily for me Waz was on the same flight as me and we shared a car out to the comp site arriving at 5:30p.m. with just enough time to run two packs before the plague of Mozzies set in. Hardly the on site preparation I had hoped for. Though it seems it was enough in the end.
Come Saturday morning I was feeling very shabby after an alcohol fueled evening with Rick finishing at what I was told was close to 3a.m. Man that little guy can get you into some serious trouble. My Saturday as far as 2.2 goes was one filled with highlights. Successfully managing to complete all 5 courses on the day was a first for me and one that left me hoping that I might make it into the Shootout. Come 11 o’clock I discovered that luck was on my side and I managed to scrape into 5th place over TCB (Mike) by only one point. It does not get any closer than that. This meant I would be facing off against 4 of the best drivers in the country including two previous cANZ Champions. Soulscythe, Hulksta, Layto and filotr14lsdude (Leigh, Dan, Layton and Allan) So then set about charging enough packs for the day to come and going over my rig to make sure it would stand up to the rigors of three of the hardest courses ever set in cANZ Nationals History. TCB never fails to deliver in setting up great courses and these were some of his best ever, Thank Mike. I finished wrenching at close to 1a.m. and then had a very unsettled sleep with copious amounts of adrenaline coursing through my body. Bang 7a.m. and it’s time for the shoot out.
The shoot out courses were set on rock that no one had ever driven and posed some great challenges for all involved Typically shoot outs are ran blind with participants not allowed to watch those that run before you. This makes for a great level playing field and no knowledge how others have gone before your run. I ran fourth in the first course and after a couple of curly moments managed to keep my cool and top score on that course with a -9 from one reverse and one gate touch. This was a tight and technical course with 8 gates and only 4 minutes to complete them. I think we were all wondering how we would go with the tight time frame, to every ones credit we all made it through the finish line.
Course two was a different story. 10 gates in 5 minutes this was a long and technical course which saw us all come unstuck with a DNF on course. Luckily I still managed to complete as many gates as the other guys scoring a DNF after gate 9. Again I lost my way mid course but managed to keep it together for a respectable finish. All bound up in a crevice between 9 and 10 I had some 15-20 seconds to get the finish but timed out with my car mid chassis through the final gate. The adrenaline was really pumping now as I still held my lead from the first course. After this we had a much needed break that saw the first two sportsman courses run. Time for a rest and some rehydration.
While watching some of the Sporty drivers compete I could see Mike off in the distance setting our third and final shootout course. Safe to say that the amount of balls he had laid out and the location of the course looked very daunting from my view point and I was a bit concerned about what was to follow. Leigh and Dan had already had their runs before myself and Layto headed off to the course and we arrived as Allan was completing his run. Now it was my turn, I made my way across to the course to see the full scale of Mike’s efforts. The course comprised 15 gates (no that is not a typo) to be completed in 7 minutes with a stop and teleport box after gate 10, holy shit I thought to myself after spending a couple of minutes on the walk through. I dropped my rig on the start line after making sure everything was functioning as it should, it did that was a good start. A few deep breathes and hand flicks to shake out any nerves that wanted to leave my body and I was off. I managed to clean the first 10 gates with only one reverse in around 4 minutes pulling into the stop box safely. I shifted my rig to the second start box and again shook out a few more nerves, off we go again 5 more gates and then it is all over. The last 5 gates were of a very technical nature with plenty of tight turns, climbs, drops and close gates. The first 3 of this section I got through fine with a reverse or two. The fourth and finish gate saw me take another couple of reverses to complete the course unscathed finishing with 6:02 on the clock and nearly a full minute to spare, a clean run and only 5 reverses. At this point it dawned on me, Holy Cow I have just won the 2015 Nationals, Seriously I have just won the F’ing Nationals. Some raised eyebrows were shared amongst close friends who had also realized what had just happened. Though I could not get too eager about what had just occurred as nothing was official yet. But after 5 years I had finally concurred a cANZ Nationals.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my sponsors and supporters who have aided me in this journey. To JRH at Holmes Hobbies, Thank you for providing the motors and ESC’s to lay down the power I need on course. Your support of the last three years have been very much appreciated thank you for having me on your team.
To RCBros, I thank you for the great chassis, axles, gears, shocks and links. The fact that this rig was only 1 comp and around 10 packs old when it entered this event. To take out the win is a testament to the great products you supply produce.
To Onetencrawlers.com.au Thank you for keeping a lot of the need to have parts in stock when we need them. I may be a part of this small company but I am only one part of it so credit where credit is due. Thank you Dad and Stewart, your support has meant the world to me.
I would also like to give a big shout out and thank you to Ottsix Tyres and Crawler Innovations. With out you guys there is no way any of us could lay the traction down the way that we do in this modern era of crawling. Thanks guys your determination and drive to supply us with the best is what makes you true gentlemen.
Special mention to Layto, thanks for your guidance and precise direction on the courses on Saturday, safe to say I would not have been in this position if it were not for your assistance. Cheers mate.
I would also like to thank all of the sponsors that put their hand up to support Crawling in Australia. While chances are you will not meet many of us , you are still willing to put your time and products forward to support our event. This is something that is appreciated by all of our members and competitors so thank you from all of us. RC4WD,Crawler Innovations, Onetencrawlers, Dravtech, Axial and HHQ, Supershafty, Hulksta Eng., DCW, Mischeif and Mayhem, Krawler Koncepts, Mr. Links, Beef’d RC.
Thank you to all of the marshalls across all of the classes your help on the days is what made this event the success that it was and your efforts are very much appreciated.
Finally to Mike for laying out some of the toughest courses we are likely to see until this time next year. Thanks for taking the trip across the pond and putting in the hard yards again.
The real build thread will follow.