Here's a photo of the course I've been working on in my front yard for a few weeks. I still have several weeks to go.
My neighbor wanted these rocks out of his yard, and I wanted them in mine! They vary in size from "large pumpkin" size to softball size, mostly decomposed granite.
It's about 10 yards long currently with another 15-20 to go. So far I've driven 1/10 and 1/18 scale crawlers on it and it's fun enough to spend 20-30 minutes driving on. Even my 1.55 LC70 got into the fun, though it has to avoid most of the rocks.
Rocks left to move:
My neighbor wanted these rocks out of his yard, and I wanted them in mine! They vary in size from "large pumpkin" size to softball size, mostly decomposed granite.
It's about 10 yards long currently with another 15-20 to go. So far I've driven 1/10 and 1/18 scale crawlers on it and it's fun enough to spend 20-30 minutes driving on. Even my 1.55 LC70 got into the fun, though it has to avoid most of the rocks.
Rocks left to move: