So a couple of hours ago I'm out in the garage having a smoke and staring at my work bench when the idea to build a prostock (or promod...haven't decided yet) pops into my head.
I grab a lenth of 2 1/2" flat aluminum bar, yank the rear axle out of my sportsman crawler, the front end out of my B4, and a LCC trans that I got to play around with.
The ultimate goal is to build this without buying anything other than maybe a battery. Here's the short list of parts...
Axial rear axle
Associated B4 front end
LCC trans
VXL bl motor
Sidewinder esc
Futaba steering servo (not sure what #...its old)
Axial beadlock wheels w/Dirt Hawg buggy tires out back
Stock Associated dish wheels/tires up front
React TX/RX (to be borrowed from my comp rig when needed)
Stock Slash body
And now a couple of teaser pics. I'm still planning out electronics/battery placement...
I grab a lenth of 2 1/2" flat aluminum bar, yank the rear axle out of my sportsman crawler, the front end out of my B4, and a LCC trans that I got to play around with.
The ultimate goal is to build this without buying anything other than maybe a battery. Here's the short list of parts...
Axial rear axle
Associated B4 front end
LCC trans
VXL bl motor
Sidewinder esc
Futaba steering servo (not sure what #...its old)
Axial beadlock wheels w/Dirt Hawg buggy tires out back
Stock Associated dish wheels/tires up front
React TX/RX (to be borrowed from my comp rig when needed)
Stock Slash body
And now a couple of teaser pics. I'm still planning out electronics/battery placement...