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Comp #4 August 9th/10th ???


Rock Crawler
Jan 11, 2008
With Buelah Bay inaccessible, where will we be holding our next comp?

Do we want to do a normal Sunday comp at Regan, Sleepy Hollow Park or another location?

Amber and I are heading out to check a few spots by Jamestown tomorrow, camping is available but we are not sure of the terrain for comps. We will report back asap...

Do we want to postpone the camp-out until the September comp or even October? Maybe then Buelah will be accessible.

Any ideas, just post them up and we will go from there....
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I like the idea of a single day comp somewhere as I have a shooting match on Saturday of the same weekend.
Here is what Amber and I found today at the Jamestown Resevoir...

The area above looks pretty good for scalers...

Thinking of running on these rocks for 2.2 comp. There is also a good size area that I didn't (forgot) take a pic of...

Just another option...
yeah looks ok jon wants to camp at desert if people want to join him and comp at sleepy and andys g6 under bridge. sunday comps what do people wanna do?
We can run a 2.2 comp at Sleepy Hollow on Sunday if that works. I may end up working Saturday.
Illi and I aren't ready for a campout but I can probably come down for Saturday..
sunday sleepy andy thought you were doing your game sunday? if not when and where are you doing your scale game?
So Sunday at Sleepy Hollow?

Regular start time at 11...

Who all can make it?

Post up people..."thumbsup"
So it is only going to be the three people from Fargo attending the Bismarck comp?

Should we cancel August and concentrate on September?

Amber and I will not be making the comp, my mom has been admitted to the hospital and I will have to be checking on my dad until she gets back home.
sorry to hear about your mom. hope all goes well. thanks to the couple of people that are still trying to keep this going. had a fun time
I'm happy to report that my mom is out of the hospital as of noon today. She has a fractured l2 vertebra and will be in a brace for 6 to 8 weeks. We are hoping she does not need surgery.
good to hear shes out. hope she has a quick recovery. I will bug jon and get him to post up scores
since jon is slacking just put me down for first in points and you can make up the order for the rest that showed up