The club Photobucket account username is MKRCC-Club-Account
PM or e-mail the Event Coordinator (Me) for the account password. We get 2 GB for free, I don't resize my images, there are 82 total items in my personal account and I have only used 7% of my 2GB limit. I think we will be good for at least our first year with the free account.
I urge the other officers to setup g-mail accounts for their position and we will list them all here for fast access. WE can also link those accounts to the calendar and give those officers editing rights to said calendar.
Event Coordinator:
PM or e-mail the Event Coordinator (Me) for the account password. We get 2 GB for free, I don't resize my images, there are 82 total items in my personal account and I have only used 7% of my 2GB limit. I think we will be good for at least our first year with the free account.
I urge the other officers to setup g-mail accounts for their position and we will list them all here for fast access. WE can also link those accounts to the calendar and give those officers editing rights to said calendar.
Event Coordinator:
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