Got some huge glitching going on with this Reefs 1100 Smart Servo with a Castle BEC 2.0 WP and the Holmes Crawlmaster Mini V2.
Got the CM Mini Kit and soldered it up. got it set up and it works great with the 2200kv Revolver.
Then I got my servos, and setup the Castle BEC 2.0 and a dual bypass wiring loom to power both the Steering servo and Reefs 800:IS Winch.
But when I powered it all up to get my servo centered, I encounted hella glitching on the steering servo only.
BEC on the CM Mini powers the RX and Hitec HS255 dig servo. Castle BEC powers the Steering and Winch...
What/where would be a place to start diagnosing?
I did some. I took the BEC out of the loop and the Bypass wiring loom. Plugged the 1100 into the RX directly which was powered only by the CM Mini.
Still had major glitching. It's almost like the Gyro was on, but it is turned off.
Anytime the Rx and wiring moves it glitches the steering servo.
I didn't do anything special when soldering up the CM Mini, soldered it up, conformal coating for a few coats, and then the clear heat shrink.
Added no small magnets etc to the rx wires...
Any help is appreciated.
Got the CM Mini Kit and soldered it up. got it set up and it works great with the 2200kv Revolver.
Then I got my servos, and setup the Castle BEC 2.0 and a dual bypass wiring loom to power both the Steering servo and Reefs 800:IS Winch.
But when I powered it all up to get my servo centered, I encounted hella glitching on the steering servo only.
BEC on the CM Mini powers the RX and Hitec HS255 dig servo. Castle BEC powers the Steering and Winch...
What/where would be a place to start diagnosing?
I did some. I took the BEC out of the loop and the Bypass wiring loom. Plugged the 1100 into the RX directly which was powered only by the CM Mini.
Still had major glitching. It's almost like the Gyro was on, but it is turned off.
Anytime the Rx and wiring moves it glitches the steering servo.
I didn't do anything special when soldering up the CM Mini, soldered it up, conformal coating for a few coats, and then the clear heat shrink.
Added no small magnets etc to the rx wires...
Any help is appreciated.