Eric Perez
Check it out on Axials own page. I like the new 1/8 axles

I can't believe they sunk in cap-head bolts for the axle truss instead of using button-head bolts on the surface. It's like they didn't learn from the AR60 housings weak point. I bet I know right where the housings will break.
And still plastic trailing arms?
And there's so much room for bigger diff carrier bearings!
And it looks like they took a note from the questionable Ascender setup where the plastic diff cover holds the carrier bearings in place.
And a servo that struggles to move 4.5" tall tires paired up with some monstrous 7.25" meats.
How many hundred dollars and it still comes with fixed non-adjustable plastic camber and toe links?
I think I'll pass, try again. Maybe I'm just overly critical, but I expect improved, not just new.
While your comments are valid, remember this is Axial's FIRST 1/8th scale anything.
I swear they had a 1/8th gas truggy in the olden days
2 speed!