Axial Rose
Quarry Creeper
The concept of watching a bunch of millionaires play games is somewhat strange. In an average NFL game, the ball is only in play for about 11 1/2 minutes (fact). So why do we spend 2 1/2 hours watching a game? I believe the answer to that is called marketing.
We certainly don't choose to spend 2 1/2 hours watching millionaires playing polo at their exclusive club . . . at least I don't (ha). What is it about this multi-billion dollar industry that keeps so many people interested, captivated, totally dedicated to their teams?
I used to be a significant fan of the NFL - I kept up with many teams, stats, and so forth (I remember Rocky Blier, Roger Staubach, so many others). My father and I used to enjoy watching NFL games - good entertainment.
Several years ago my brother-in-law told me he "knew" the NFL was rigged.
I laughed . . . I never took him seriously but . . . when I saw things happen, over and over again, that were truly WTF moments . . . I began wondering . . . maybe . . . could it be?
Then I began investigating . . . wondering . . . could this be rigged?
Now, I'm not saying I totally believe the NFL is rigged - I'm just saying I believe it could be - some games - some players - some officials - there is a LOT of evidence to substantiate a valid claim the game is rigged - but much of that same evidence is, to one degree or another, highly subjective (ideas based on opinions, not facts)
My brother-in-law made the claim "There is so much money in the NFL it HAS to be rigged"
In a way, that does sound reasonable the game is rigged - but in a way, it really doesn't.
All I know is some plays are just too f'ed up - many times I used to ask myself "How can a defensive secondary who, collectively make a million dollars each game, allow that receiver to be wide open - again? Many, many similar observations could be listed here, of course.
A few years ago I began collecting some of the most ridiculous things that were happening in the NFL - the evidence seemed overwhelming and I lost interest. To me, the NFL seemed like "pro wrestling" and I quit watching.
I totally love the amazing plays - slo-mo's of the one handed, totally twisted body, somehow grasping the ball and holding it while dragging both toes just inside the line catches - the amazing runs where the running back plows directly into two defenders and somehow manages to keep going. Is all that rigged? No, of course not. At least, I don't think so.
I do still wonder if some parts of some games are rigged - if you think it's possible, then I believe there is a boatload of evidence to support your opinion. If you don't think it's possible, then I am NOT arguing with you!
I do find it interesting to hear your opinions - let's go.