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Another Scale Garage


Quarry Creeper
Dec 28, 2019
I've been bored lately and decided to build a scale garage for my cars, they needed a proper place to be displayed anyways.

Starting with the basics:

I'm using 1/8in plywood sheets as the walls, 42 cm tall walls, which is a bit large to be truly scale, but they work for the large workshop kinda look. I thought I needed a circular saw, but it turns out you can snap the plywood with a utility knife if you run it along the panels enough and in the right direction.

As for width, about 3.2 feet wide, and 2 and a smidge feet deep. Planning to add an extra foot and a half or so of room, but I'll have to see if desk space permits.

Walls are secured by some 1x2in. wood beams on both sized on the corners, wall detailing is with 1/4in square wood dowels.

Floor is made of 1/4 MDF coated with primer. I tried spraying it with primer, but I went through a can and a half without good results, so I'm switching to a roller and some paint on primer.
As far as attaching the walls to the floor, I might put some wooden beams on the outer walls, but that may be a problem if I want a second room.

As I was shopping around for some materials, I stumbled upon some nice walnut boards, decided to pick some up to make some nice scale furniture.

I'll get some pictures in sometime later.
Would you put small jacks to keep the weight off the tires ...so they do not get flat spots ? I was wondering how everyone stores their trucks. I made a center block to sit under all my frames. Do most people not bother with this ?
I haven't had flat spots in any of my rigs, and I don't prop them up. I guess if you have a really heavy rig and you leave it for a really long time it will happen?

Here’s the walls of the garage, got some dowels on the top but am waiting for the paint on the floor to dry so I can get a proper fit. Looks pretty boring at the moment.

Here’s the floor with a new layer of primer.

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It may seem like it, but I haven't ditched this thread yet ;)

Did a "little" work, added a ton of stuff, some 3d printed, some handmade.

A little more to the side

Close up of the mini workbench. Some things are 3d printed, like lathe and toolbox,
Made a little tube chassis out of paper clips, CA glue, and glue accelerator. Not 1/10 scale in 1/10 scale, so a little big, but it still looks good.

And heres the other side, not really finished. The floor's only half there for the time being.
I've got some of the parts for a 3d printed Bruder EXP6 Trailer.
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Looking through this thread, I want to make a scale garage now! Lol. My only problem is space.

It looks great man, keep doing what your doing[emoji1690]

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