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affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂


Rock Stacker
Mar 24, 2015
Hey guys and gals…I've got a mostly stock LNC that I'm considering going brushless with - per the thread title, I'd like to go with 3s and am interested in a bit more wheel speed - I'm not looking for a burner, as I've already got a heavily modded brushless emaxx with tekin power and 2 heavily modded stampede 4x4 vxl's to quench my thirst for speed and broken parts 😜

As it sits, the LNC has had a recent full tear down/rebuild including a shock rebuild/new bearings throughout/worms re-packed and shimmed properly - I've also thoroughly read through/applied the friction reduction knowledge from the thread on this very forum

as far as upgrades go, a full set of hot bodies rover ex tires (and foams) in the white compound have been ordered and will be installed on the factory Losi wheels - I've installed lead wheel weights inside of the wheels, front and back, with a total of 3oz in each wheel (on a side note, I think I've read somewhere that only the fronts should be weighted/the fronts should have twice as much weight as the rears???…any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated 👍)

besides the new tires, I intend to purchase/install the 21t HD worms front and back (see my intended use below) - right now I've got a Yeah Racing Hackmoto brushed setup with a 55 turn, 540 sized motor running the stock 20t pinion and a turnigy 2200mah 3s 25c/50c lipo providing the getupandgo - the servo is TowerPro mg996r running off a cc bec set at 7.4v with the factory rx running off of the esc's bec - I know the servo is nothing to write home about, but setup as it is, it is quite sufficient for my intended useage

I have zero interest/intentions in competition for this project - what I intend to do with it is to pack a light lunch and a backpack with some basic hiking supplies/water/etc, strap on some proper hiking shoes, charge up a couple of high capacity 3s lipos and some spare transmitter batteries, find the nearest woods, and go for a proper explore/hike with my crawler - I enjoy hiking/exploring and need the exercise…let's just call this crawler my hiking buddy/exercise partner 👍😎

with the current electronics setup, the LNC is slightly slower than my average walking pace - I'd like it to move at a jogging pace for short bursts - I know it's not intended to be run at speed for any length of time and I don't want it to do doughnuts or jumps

I WOULD, however, like it to provide a bit more excitement when it's powering up and down ditches…I'd like it to traverse the patches of flat earth between obstacles faster…and i'd like it to have a broader, more diverse (if that makes sense), useable power band when I encounter obstacles that…ahem…aren't behaving and need a bit more aggression to whip them into shape - with the current brushed setup, the power band, while smooth when needed, is sort of "off or on", with very little useable speed/power in between full throttle a no throttle…particularly when I am simply going on a walk through the woods with it (and given that it's very realistic to experience fairly large areas of flat earth between crawlable terrain)

I don't need the brushless system to be waterproof (and am well-versed in diy waterproofing if needed/desired) - I would like it to fit the crawler without extensive modification of the factory esc/motor mounting locations - and since I'm a single dad with two elementary school aged kiddos, I'm on a pretty strict budget

now, with all of that being said, I'd like to spend around $100-$125…$150 would really be pushing it…but my point is that I don't have $150-$175 for a tekin/Novak motor, let alone the type of money it would take for one of their high-end combos

Any advice/guidance will be greatly appreciated!
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂

I looked at the hobbywing quicrun setup that mindless mentioned and it appears to be what I'm looking for - they offer a 3650 sensored motor that comes in 13.5t, 17.5t, and 21.5t (2500kv, 1900kv, and 1700kv, respectively) - they mention in their notes that the 21.5t is the "crawler" option, but I have to admit that the 13.5t, with its MUCH higher RPM potential/range, particularly on 3s, sounds MUCH more interesting - I've read of folks using a 13.5t motor in the LNC, geared properly of course

So what are the opinions on this esc/13.5t setup for the LNC?

And, as always, thanks!
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂

I run one of these in my wraith for the price im pretty happy with it HOBBYWING North America — QUICRUN 10 Sensored ESC. I have a LCC that ive been building was going to try it in there but havent had a chance yet.

I can't claim to know a lot about the wraith, but what motor are you using with this esc?
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂

I was running a tekin 13.5 and it was fasstttt but could crawl still. In a losi would be a good bit slower. I say 13.5 or 17.5 would be good, I think I would go 17.5 but thats just me. Others are more knowledgeable than me with this sort of thing.
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂

using a tekin 17.5t gen 1 myself. there are times that i really wish i had more wheel speed. i know a ton of people are running 13.5t's and love them. you could go the gijoe route instead and run higher voltage as an alternate with something like a mamba max pro.
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂

My advice would be to find a used MMP or Holmes ble. It may take a little time but you can get great stuff at half the cost. There always is some risk in buying used but if your on a budget (and who isn't) its a good option. BTW 4s is the way to go with a losi.
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂

I don't have a problem searching for a mmp (and already have a castle link), but 1. I don't own any 4s packs (but have lots of 5000mah 2s packs, although mounting 2 of those huge packs in the stock LNC battery tray would amount to a VERY high cog) 2. I'm interested in having a reliable rig that is not going to snap axles/strip the trans/strip a wheel hex/heat up or wear out worms and or housings/bearings/blah/blah/blah…again, I'm not trying to build the ultimate, tear-your-face-off, reverse the rotation of the earth night crawler 3. my primary r/c interests lie in high speed bashing - I've got a tekin rx-8 gen2 and tekin racing truggy motor (drawing a blank on the model right now) in my emaxx and I don't even have the need for 6s in that truck - I run it on 4s - the LNC is a side project to go along with another hobby (hiking) and I just don't have a need for a huge, 6s capable esc nor do I want to strap on the kind of motor that would be preferable when running 4s - I may be wrong, but I am of the opinion that if I put my tekin setup from the emaxx into this crawler, with its 48p gears and 1/10 scale driveshafts/wheels/hexes/diffs/etc, it would tear something in half the second I grabbed some real throttle

In other words, an 1/8 scale esc/motor on 1/8 scale voltage is overkill for what I'm asking of this vehicle

but please don't get me wrong, I 100% appreciate y'all taking the time to reply and appreciate the suggestions! - please keep em coming!!!
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂

Go onto tower, they got some super cheap brushless motors. Or search ebay, I'm sure you will find something you like.
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please 🙂

Go onto tower, they got some super cheap brushless motors. Or search ebay, I'm sure you will find something you like.

I know all of (more accurately: most of) the avenues for finding r/c parts…I've been playing with these overpriced toys for 20 years 😳

I'm simply looking for experienced suggestions that are specific to this model and are in line with (what I thought was) a very clear, concise, and thorough explanation of my intended use

I appreciate it, but telling me to look at tower hobbies/eBay is about as helpful as telling me to be sure to turn on my tx before my esc 😜

now, what could motivate folks into helping me out more than rudeness and smartassery?.................. I certainly can't think of anything
Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please

hobbyking xcar - 17.5turn works perfect for me.

you want something that is about 2000kv and can do both 2cell and 3cell

check my LNC math threads
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Re: affordable sensored 3s brushless system for LNC?…some advice needed please ��

hobbyking xcar - 17.5turn works perfect for me.

you want something that is about 2000kv and can do both 2cell and 3cell

check my LNC math threads

I'll check it out (and the math threads) - most 540 sensored (and reasonably priced) combos I'm finding offer the motor in 13.5t, 17.5t, and 21.5t (roughly 2500kv, 1900kv, and 1700kv)

The simple math:

2500 * 11.1 = 27,750rpm
1900 * 11.1 = 21,090rpm
1700 * 11.1 = 18,870rpm

in trying to determine which kv would be best, it would be supremely helpful if I had some idea as to what my rebuildable 55turn yeah racing Hackmoto brushed motor (with bearings as opposed to bushings…it's a damn smooth, free-spinning motor) was doing rpm-wise on 3s…but I can't, for the life of me, find even some general information as to how fast it may be spinning - my best educated guess is around 12,500rpm at WFO throttle