Vendor Interview: Jp Custom RC’s

Text by Jay Kopycinski
Photos by Jp Custom RC’s


Name: Jarod Morey
Business: Jp Custom RC's
Location: Ozark, Missouri
Products: Specializing in 2.2 Clods and other Crawler needs 
Website: www.jpcustomrcs.com

RCC:  How long have you been into RC’s and RC Crawling?
Jarod:  I had a few nice RC’s when I was younger, but really didn't get big into them until a couple of years ago. I have always been into rock crawling. As I got older and my 1:1 time was getting hard to come by, I got myself a RC rock crawler. I was hooked and never looked back.


RCC:  How did you come to start JP Custom RC's?

Jarod:  Jp Custom RC's kind of started off as a way to help pay for my own crawlers. That soon turned into bringing bigger and better products. The Jp custom Clod knuckles is the first big product. I have many others lined up and coming out this late summer.

RCC:  Could you tell us a little about your Pimp Cane chassis and how it came to be?

Jarod:  Now most know that Syco133 started the production of the Pimp Cane. I saw an opportunity to buy the rights off him and sell them myself. I did some more field testing and had others give me feedback on what would make it better. I did my own little modifications to make it my own, but really it has the same basic design. 

RCC:  As far as a chassis, what do you see as a prime design objective in building a comp class rig?

Jarod:  I look for something that has a low center of gravity but doesn't give up belly clearance. Most of all…..something that is reliable and simple.

RCC:  Any new products coming up that you'd like to share with us?

Jarod:  I have my new Clod knuckles coming out soon. I have more items, but you will have to wait to hear about those.


RCC:  Where do you see the future of RC Crawling headed?

Jarod:  I hope to see it get bigger and go more mainstream. It seems to be climbing and not slowing down. As the larger companies like Pro-Line, Axial, and Integy start to bring more crawler parts, that will open some people’s eyes to the world of crawlers.

RCC: Thanks for your time!




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